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July 22, 1969 r. illiam • Allison Executive Administrator Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. 101 arietta Street Building 4th Floor Atlanta, Georgi 30303 Dear Bill: In accordance with request from r. Bill Golden, Plant anag r, J.P. Stevens and Company, effective July 28, a small Relocation Assistance Office is to be set up on the comp ny premises for the purpose of providing reloc tion ssistance to the former co pany employoes ho need it. r. Golden has agreed to provid space, telephone and one person to assist nd h s also greed to get out and distribute, in advance, bulletin informing the cop ny personnel of this sarvlc, hen it ill be v 1lable and the specific loo tion. The pl n approved by the City provides for your organiz tion (previou ly concurred in) to provid p rson (perhaps fro Kr. H 'office) for this ot1vity. Your repres ntative is to be in charge of th activity, nd will be s1sted by reloc tion ork r t t th Housing Authority. It has lso b n suggest d th t your off'ic r qu t part-tim repr s nt tiv of FHA. It i th A 1st no Oft ic, 11 re ining for er ill, g t r loc t d by Sept mb r 1. Oftio h lp ploy The approv d pl n for functions of thl inolud : ot Of o R looatio th cop ny Reloo tion As 1 t no ining f 111 ot th , nd _noourag thos tor g1 t r their fa ily co po itlon, ag n or illin top y for hou 1 d ir d nd pr f r nc 11 r thli. of tbi 1st D;l ount the nt 1 or d $ �Mr. William • Allison July 22, 1969 Page 2 b. The st ff to record this information and then actively attempt to reloc te those families in wh tever type of housing for hioh they may be elligible, or that hich may be avail ble, particul rly private d v lopments. c. If som.e families are unable to pay advance rents, ;makerequired utility deposits and or hire drayage for moving, the staff should attempt to get necessary assist nee through nny source th t may be available, including elfare.and charitable org niz ~ions; also that, if necessary, consider tion be given to the moving of household goods locally, on n emergency basis, with Ci\' owned trucks and Prison labor det 11s. If further clarification or assistance is needed, ple se contact this office. Request that a weekly progress report be sub itted to this office aob onday, through August. Sincerely, alcolm D. Jones Housing Coordin tor MDJ/ c cc: Mr. R. Earl Land rs / �