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HOUSING RESOURCES COMMI TTEE Oc tober 8 , 1969 Item: Pr oposeq Neighborhood Devel opment Program for 1970. Mr. Howard Openshawp Director of Redevelopment for the Atlanta Housing Auth~ orityp outlined Atlanta's proposed Nei ghb6rhood Dev.elopment Program for 1970. The Program contains eight neighborhoods: Be dford - Pine GA. Tech II Model Citi es Edgewood Vi ne City


Plunket town

GA. State

New Areas

Maps and stati st ical summary indic a ting the proposed acti on program in individual areas was discuss e d. In summary, the 1970 ND? Program proposes the acquisition of 922 parc e ls of l and, relocation of 1392 families and individuals, demoli t ion of 922 structures, rehab i litation of 830 structures and disp osition of 116 acres of l and. As a hous ing r e source for families displaced in the 1970 program, the Housing Authority wi ll compl e t9 and h ave ready for occupancy 2033 public housing units and 650 dwe lling units for fam ilie s of low and modera te income. The gross proj e ct cost of the 1970 NDP program is 27.4 milli on dollars. The fede ral capital grant requested is 20.7 million, the local share is 8.5 million, 7.3 million include s non -cash grants-in-aid to be provide d by the City and 1.2 million in cash tojbe provided by the Board of Regents . Following HUD approva l of additi on section 112 cre dits of 1.1 million dol l ars, the ca s h re qui red by the Boa rd of Regents will be reduce d to $165,880. On September 23, 1969 , the Department of Hous ing and Urban De velopme nt a dvised the Atl anta Housing Author ity that $24, 000,000 h a s been established as the amount ava ilable ·for the 1970 activity o f the six Nei ghborhood Developmen t Programs now underway in Region I II . Thi s represents 45.9% of the federal capital grant f unds available in the Region for 1969. The Regional office of HUD will allocate the available funds for 1970 NDP activities on the basis of each City's needs 9 its record of performance, and its ability to postpone some ac tiviti es until a subsequent year. Encl. ,1 �