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,,- · HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE O c tober Bo 1969 The Honorable Georee Romney Secretarr of the United State Depa1·tmcnt o! Housing and Urban Development Waahington., D. Cc Deai· Mr. Sec retary: On October 8, 1969, at request o f th s Commitlee, a presentation w as made to the Committee by a representative of the Houaing Authority of the City of Atlanta (the City's Agent for <.:ar rying out the Urban. Renewal Prog1·am) on proponed activities for 1'}70 in the City's Neighborhood Dcveloprn.ent Program. Copy of S\.trnma1·y ia att<lched (Encl. l). Thia proposed program includes rather extensive a ctivities in the five exioting NDP areas and also minimum acquisition in three additional a1:e::as. Two of these , i.e. Lightning and Plunkettown are ve r y depressed residential a1·ea.u, which. this C omrnittce h:is been strongly promoting for acquisition commencing in B70. in order to 1·id the City of these specific pockets of very dilapidated residential slums . 0 The City has made a major effort in developing thls proposed program and ia prepared to meet the local share of lhc Net Project Coot, as indicated i11 the attached. However, letter recently received from Region III of HUD (copy attached) indicates a draa~ic cut back in the anticipated Federal c apital grant funds with which to fin.a.nee the Federal ohare of Atlanta's proposed Neighborhood Development Program for 1970. This would mean a s evere blow to Atlanta 1 D 1970 NDP program and great di sappointment to the Project Area Committees (PACs) and other citizena of the area.a involved, with \.vhom the Housing Authority, - the Citr Planning Department and this Committee have been working closely for so long. A drastic cut back now in proposed activitie s would be disastrous to morale and neighbo1·hood aspi rations. Encl. 3 �i , Tho Hono r;:i ble George Romney October Pago Z a. 1969 /\.tlanta has previou sly established an enviable reputation .fo r Urban Renewal and !-l'DP accomplishment and can be depended upon to c onti nue to do a cre dital;>le j ob in thi s respec t . The Housing Resour c es Comrp ittee iteelf w as c reated by Mayor Allen in November 1966 to prorJ:lote. c oordinate and expedite the City's lovi and mocle>:ate income hou sing pro gr~m . T o date it has accomplished c redita·ble results, as evidenced by the attached Summa2.·y ... Statu.3 of Accelc::atcd Low-Income Housing Program (Encl. 2 }. Therefore on behalf of, and in ac c o1·<lance wit h formal unanimous ia.ctlon by the Executi vc Group, Housing Rcr,ourc<.~s Comrnittee 0 I u:q~e that every consideration be ei ven by your office to maintaining Feder-al capital graat funds to be alloca ted to Atl D.nta in oupµo1·t of the 1970 NDP p r ogram at or as near as possible to the propo Ged Net Project Cost of the 27. 4 million dollars. Sincorclyo Cecil A . Alexander . Cb2.i rman Housing Re sources Committee Encls: Summary, Atlanta's Proposed Neighborhood Development Program for 1970. Z. Summa1·y - Status of Accelerated Low-Income Housing Program. 1. cc: Mr. Edward H. Ba...'{ter Regional Administrator Region III, HUD �