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·"· HOUSING RESOURCES CO ITTEE ROOM 1204 , CITY HALL June 11 , 1968 Mr . Cecil A. Al exander, Chairman Housing Resources Committee E ORANDUM TO: Pursuant to your suggestion ~ several days ago I talked to Jim Parham about E. O. A. providing administrative support to Lee Burges' newly organized Housing Development Corporation nd informed him of our previous contact with Bi ll Allison regarding this matter . At that time 1 . Parham did not ppear to be f miliar ith it, bµt said he would talk with Bill Allison and look at the file on the subject which as pro ided to Bill Allison by H 11 are . Following the Housing Resources Committee Meeting June 6 , Hr . Parham discussed the atter with me and provided me with the att ched copy of "A Proposal to Form the Atlanta Housing Development Corporation . r . P rh m stated thnt be is very spmpathotic ith the idea of E . O. A. prov iding ad inistrative support for the Housing Development Corporation; th the ill need, ho ever , the folioing indicated materi l in ord r to present nd justify this atter to his Board , •hich he feels will be inclined to act favorably upon it : copy of the Logal document of Incorporation of the Housing Development Corporation . (A) A (B) A statement of the Corporations functions , scope of operation , and principal activities, a ctually established (not the "proposal" for for tion of the Corpor tion, as cont ined in th att ch d.) (C) A list of th Corporation's Bo rd of Directors ( r. Parha stated that it ould bee 1 r for E. O. A¥ to support the Housing D velop ent Corpor tion dministratively. if tho Bo rd of Directors contains r pres nt tion from th poor). �Memorandum Page 2 June 11 , 1968 (D) A statement as to how the Housing Development Corporation will benefit the poor . (E) Budget (including breakdo n by principal items) . NOTE : At the time of our conversation r . Parh m insisted that I give him some concept as to what the total amount of the budget would probably be , I told him that I did not know , as I felt this would have to be orked out with the Director, selection of hicb I understand is now being considered , but that I anticipate that it would be in the neighborhood of $25 , 000 per year , principal items of hich would be the salaries of the Director and Secretary, office supplies and postage . r . Parham said thnt as soon as the above information is presented to him, he will submit a formal proposal to his Board for inclusion of this item in E . O. A.' s further activities. I feel that e should provide him as quickly as possible with information he has requested . Malcolm D. Jones Housing Coordinator J,fl)J/mac Encl : Copy "A Proposal to Form The Atlanta Housing Development Corporation . CC:V'Mr. Dan E. Sweat , Jr. �