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June 3 , 1968 ME ORANDU FOR RECORD Several weeks go rs. Charles W. Heeden of Lithonia (telephone 482-6149) called me concerning her property at 512•14 Decatur St., S. E. This property was under Housing Code proceedings sever 1 y ars go , together itb other properties in the s me block on either side of tb Heeden prop rty. As efforts the top St ., S . cost of a result of th Housing Code procedures and y person 1 at that tie to enfo ce the Code, the Heeden ' s removed floor (residential) of the building at 512-14 Dec tur E. and re odeled the ground floor for business at a approximately 12,000 . I infor ed Mrs . Headen that I no long r directly involv din Code Enforce ent and referred her to r . J mes A. Smith, Chief of the Housing Code Division. This date, Mrs. He den call d e ag in and read to e rec nt Court Order (copy att ched) p rt ining to the properties adjacent to b rs ind informed e that her Insur nc Comp ny ha cancelled her insur nco on the prop rty at 512-14 Dec tur St . nd th t she cannot get insurance itb ny other oo p ny b caus of the fire haz rd caused by th adj e nt properti s. rs . R den pecifically requested that l brin this to th tt ntion of th M yor; that b c plied 1th th reque t to i prov the property at 512-14 Dec tur St. owner of th dj c nt prop rti (which r in wor than b r ) b v done nothin and th t she 1s now th victi of circu t nces by da ge being o used by tb djac nt prop rtie. This t.s a ca e of long standing. Housin Cod viol tions on the prop rti s w r r port d nd eorr ctiv otion initl led in 1961, '63 nd '64. The tt ched court Ord r p rt in to th �- Page 2 June 3. 1968 emorandum For Record follo ·ing properties : emorial Drive , 615 emorial Drive , 510 Decatur Street , 516 Decatur Street , 530 Decatur Street , 609 S . E. S . E. S. E. S. E. S. E. This case is making a mockery of the Housing Code_and "In Rem" Orelin nee of the City of Atlanta . I as personally involved in enforcement procedures against these properties, as Director of Urban Re ewal , during the period of 1961-64 . Subsequently, as Supervisor of Inspection Services in the Building Department, I discussed this case at length personally with Judge Whitman of the Fulton County Su ior Court and with r . Robert H. Cleveland, receiver for the executors of the Estate of rs . E. c. Johnson, deceased . I recommend that these properties be personally inspected by any one involved with this c se and that the best legal talent available be utilized in an 11 out effort to resolve this case in behalf of the City . Malcolm D. Jones Housing Coordinator Encl: Copy of Court Order dated ay 23, 1968. �