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I RESOLUTION by the Housing Resources Committee SU_P PORTING THE NEED FOR HIGHLY CRITICAL DEPRESSED P.,.REAS, INCLUDING LIGHTNING AND PLUNKETTOWN, IN THE NEXT NDP APPLICATION FOR EXECUTION IN 1970. WHEREAS, There are several highly critical and relatively limited depressed areas in Atlanta of extremely substanda rd housing, such as PLUNKETTOWN, LIGHTNING, HUFF ROAD and SPRING AVENUE, N. W.; and WHEREAS, The most appropriate and feasible approach toward elimination of the substandar d conditions in these a reas in clearance a nd redevelopm ent of these fl,reas through the NDP program; and WHEREAS, Potential non-cash grants-in-aid credits for the above stated areas are very limited; and WHEREAS, The substandard physical conditions in these areas are of such long standing with little real effort made i n the past to correct them; and _ . - WHEREAS, The City cannot e liminate its principal areas of sub standar d conditions and inferior dwellings until these area s have been brought u n der NDP treatment; and WHEREAS, The City of Atlanta has a surplus of approximately $2. 2 million in non-cash grants -in-aid credits in the Conventional Urban Renewal program. �NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing Resources Committee: a. That the Planning and Development Committee of the Board of Aldermen be and are hereby requested to include the specific areas listed above, in the City's NDP application for Execution in 1970; and b. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen be and are hereby requested to approve the inclusion of these areas for Execution in the next NDP application of the City of Atlanta; and c. That although we encourage and appreciate the efforts of other neighborhoods to improve their areas through the NDP program, if we are to eliminate the war st slums in the City, additional an.d less deteriorated areas should not be placed in priority above the areas listed in this R es olution, for inclusion in the next NDP application for execution in 1970, but rather that special efforts be made to also include such worthy areas. d. That the Fede ral Government (HUD) be form a lly requested by th_e Mayor to authorize utilization of a reasonable portion of Atlanta's surplus credits in its conventional Urban Renewal progra m to help m eet the local s h a re of NDP activity i n the se particular areas. �