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~----------------------------- August 7, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr . Cecil A~ Alexander. Chairman Hou ing Resources Committee Atlanta is at this moment on the verge of a major breakthrough in construction of low and mod rate income housi ng - perhaps the best opportunity we have had yet. If successfully pursued, within a very short time Atlanta could probably obtain £irm commitments for all the low and moderate income housing it ill need in the next 5 years and thus maintain it ascendency and 1 adership in the hou ing fi ld. ff we pass up thi opportunity now . we will oon b p ed by and m jor n tional and local developer will concentr te on citie in which they can readily obtain suitable land site • appropriate zoning and land co t which .th y can live with. Some xamples oi recent serious and till current int re t in stablishio substantial housing projects in Atlanta are hown in the attach d _e umm tion. There ar lso a nurnbei- of other les prominent developer who are d sirou of c on tructing low and moderate inco.me housing in Atl nta, if suitabl •iteEJ nd nei hborhood and political cceptance can b obt i.ned. It thu appe ra that the Admini tr tion of the City e~ould take good look t th current ituation. as illu trated in the att ched.~'ma e m jor policy docision oon a to htch dir ction the City hould move in the houaing fi ld - w hether to let thing• ride th y re. w ith llttle or no ncouragement or positive • istance from the Houehtg Authority, Housin Re ourcea C01nmitte d od l Cities to aub t nUal potenti 1 d Vi lop r• now • i'ioualy inter ted in becoming ctive in th housin field in Atl nta; or wh ther. to ttempt to ov rcom the politic 1 ob tacle and provide these potential developers wlth n c ouragement and r 1 aiatance in g ttlng ult ble loc tions. neighborhoo cc ptanc: nd obt inin nee • • ry commitm nh through F HA and the local Hol.lting Authority. �Mr. Cecil A . Alexander August 7,, 1969 Page Two A very helpful and practical interim procedure, would be for the Greater Atlanta Housing Development Corporation to buy now and bank suitable tracts of land for later disposition to nonp:rofit and or prof.i t motivated devel opers !or eventual construction of low and moderate income housing. The opportunity seems to be available now . of it or not? Shall we take advantage Respec tfully, Malcolm D . Jones Housing Coordinator MDJ/mc Encl: Examples of current housing interests in Atlanta cc: Mayor Ivan Allen. Jr . / Mr . Dan E . Sweat, Jr. �