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r-------------------------------------~-"' THE TIMES-HERAL_D, Newport News, Tuesday, July 22, 1969 -;'-'.~-----~- - - - --- - -- - - - -- --- -.J , DOWNTO\A/N APARTA/4ENTS Tower Plan '-... Bv l\1ADGE WILSON TIMES -HERALD STAFF WRITER Federal Housing Administratio n 'FHA) a pp roval is expected shortly to give a major fo rwa rd thrust to pla ns for high-rise luxury a pa rtme nts on West Av enue overlooking the J a mes River in do wntow n l\ewpo rt Ne ws . A. rc., nge ments h ave bee n und er way since J anua ry whe n Newpo rt Ne ws City Co uncil acc.:epled the propos al / of Ala n A. Il c,ffma n of Norfol k and Leon H. P e rlin , Newport

r,;ews for purchase and <le vel,,. r mnt: ~t of lhe prope rty, wh ich

no w a m tt P.rcd pa rkin g .Jot. T he ~i le has bPe n inco rp or- is ated into Downtown Renewal Project No . 3, adding resid ential aspects to the r evitaliza tion which has the new City Hall as its foc al point. · Final details toward FHA clearance of the developers' loan applica tion we re worked out last week at a m ee ting in the offi ce of NNR &HA director J . Allen Ch arles . Present we re A. R . F e rry, FHA r epresen tative in No rfol k ; Mrs. Beat ri ce Solomi ne , li c1 ison betwee n FHA an d urb a n re newal in th e U.S. Depa rtm e nt of HfJl1 s ing a nd · Urba n Development. a nd ~1iss Jud ith Lanq, urba n rene wa l r r pr c~c nta ti1·e of HUD, both from the Philadelphia r egional office. Vice Mayor B. M. Millner a nd Councilm an 0 . J . Brittingha m, membe rs of the council comm ittee which negoti a ted th e property s ale a gr eem ent , also were on ba nd. Ch arles reported today F erry has sent his endo rsem ent of th e project to th e Norfolk office of F HA, a n in term edi a te ste p tow a rd a ppro val fr om th e m ain offi ce . According to Hoff ma n, pl a ns for the 15-story s tru cture a re in " good s ha pe," a lt hough he de(' Ji ned to g uess whe n it m ight a c- twilly be under cons tru cti on. Th e F II A, he sa id, must check a nd a ppro ve e ach step - includi ng the physical drawings - befo re it r eleases the mo ney. Th at could t ake several weeks, Hoffma n poin ted out. · In addition, th e City of Newpor t Ne ws sta nda rds for construction and zoning must be met. Howe ve r , gelli ng FHA approval of th e ap plication for loa n fo r the project is a major breakthrough in the effort which has bee n going on quietly for the past six months . Hoff rnR n an d P erl in, und er th e name of Ne\r po rt News Towe r , a re e nvi~on ing a n expenditu re of some $3 mi llion. The properly itself, between 27th a nd 28th Streets a dja cent to Chris topher Ne wpor t P a rk, will cost $76,000 - $1.50 per squa re foot. Under the agreeme nt with the city , cons truction m ust be und er way within six months after deed has been tr a nsferr ed, but Mill ner expla ined the title will not ch ange ha nds until the prerequisites of fina ncing and r ela ted deta ils are m e t . . . to insure th a t the project will be ca rr ied out. Newpor t Towers will h ave 135 apa r tme nts - 79 one-bedroom , 46 tl'.'o-bed room a nd 10 three- bedroom - each with its ow n balcony and p1Js it ioned t o a ffor d a view of th e ri\'Cr. There will be 135 on-pre mi se par king spa ces a n d 1,000 s qu are fee t of street-level area for professional a nd commer- · cial use . A s wimming pool, r ec r ea tio n room a nd laund ry fa cilities also are incl uded. 1\Iain e ntrance will be on 28th Str eet a nd do orm a n service is pl a nn ed. The e ntire buildi ng will be ser ved by an in te r comm unications s ys te m. R e nts will cover all utili ties, includin g electri city . Hoffm a n is one of the developer s of the Golden Trian gle Motor Hotel in Norfolk c1nd -cur r e ntly is de velo ping F or t Ne! on Towers , a s im ilar r es ide nti al project in Portsm :.i uth 's rene wal are a. �