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- 18 - BREAKTHROUGH FOR CITIES BREAKTHROUGH provides the city a greater opportunity to take initiative in solving its own problems. It affords: Priority consideration for subsidized BREAKTHROUGH housing and supportive programs in urban renewal, planning, water and sewer, and community facilities. The opportunity to relieve urban congestion and resulting urban tensions. The opportunity to increase the supply of housing for low- and modera te-income families in urban renewal, n eighborhood development and Model Cities areas in a ccordance with 1968 Housing Act requirements. An increased housing inventory subject to property taxes. The opportun ity to us e a nd implement the results of city planning programs. Increased markets to attract new industry and supporting businesses. New employment opportunities. A mean ingful wqrking p ar tn ership with State government and the private sector. HUD is depending upon may ors and public and pri va t e local agencies to: '"" Participate in the mark et aggregation process described in the previous section. ·Evaluate HUD market data on the area and supplement it with information and mater i a ls from local organizations such as the Housing Authority , Redevelopment Age ncy, Zoning Board, Board of Realtors , Chamber of Comme rce a nd others. Review and revise local o rdinances, codes and regulations which impede th e application of n e w and tested housing systems and me thods.

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