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CITY HALL ~ 31, 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522 -4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR D ear M em b ers: CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairm an Housinc Reso urces Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Housin g Coordin ator . C Omml. tt ee ; an . d E xecU t lVe Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group The August meeting of the Executi ve Committ ee , HRC, and the Low -Income Housing Coordinating Group w ill be held Thursday, August 14 at 10: 30 A. M. in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall. We propose to include in the Agenda a brief pr e sentation of Southwest Atlanta Zoning Study recently prepared by the G eorgia T ech Cla ss of City Planning 603, under direction of Professor Roger Rupnow, with assistance from the Federation of Southwe st Club s and che Atlanta City Planning Dep ar tment. Other interesting developments will also be discussed. We particularly w ant each of our working Panels to pre sent at this meeting a written repor t of i ts pro g ram for the remainder of chis calendar year, together with s pecific r ec omm e ndations, in its gene ral field of activity a nd responsibility, to the HRC for accomplishment durin g the remainde r of 1969, as gene rally discussed in our pre v ious Panel meetings . Unless we establish at this meeting positive pro g rams and goals of respective Panels for accomplishment this year, there will not be enough time left in which to meet our obj ective s. In addition, the Public R e lations Panel is most anxious to know the plans and programs of other P a nels in order that it may block out a comprehensive supporting Publi~ Relations program for i:he rem:ainder of· the ·year. · · · We look forward to each of you meeting with us August 14. A return address postal card is enclosed for your convenience in informing us whether you will be able to attend the meeting. Sincerely, Cecil A. Ale xander, Chairman Housing R esour ces Committee Encl: Retu:rn address ·p ostal card �