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November 15, 1969 HOUSING RESO:JRCES COMM ITTEE Total Dwe l li ng Uni t s Pe r mitted in Atlanta: 1963 - 9,129 1966 - 2,382 Dwelling. Units Demolished Under Hou sing Code: SUillMARY 1964 3,829 1967 4,630 Nov. & De c. 1966 144 1968 - 5,333 1965 - 2,656 During 1967 - 1,2 72 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM 1969 thru Oct. - 4,637 During 1968 - 1,053 (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) 1969 thru Oct. 958 5 yr. Program, 1967-71 3,427 Goals: (13%) (57%) (30%) 100% % establis h ed for first 2 yrs. (2,184)


(5,04 0) 16,800 (Sa me% used for 5 yr. period)

No. Units

Statu s FHA P. H. & T K Private Devel. (Conv . ) 11-15-69 6,319 11-15-68 3,217 11-15-69 (1,178) 11-15-68 (650) 11-15-69 (1,874) 11-15-68 (854 ) 11-15-69 (3,267) Under Cons t ruction 7,395 6,278 (2,343) (1,412) (2,052) (1,263) (3,00 0 ) I n P la nni ng 5 ,812 7,337 (1 2 101) (2 2 388) (3 2 867) (4 2 135) (8 44 ) ( 514) 19,526 lz015 2 0,54 1 +3,74 1 16,832 1 2 026 1 7 ,858 + 1,050 (4,622) (1 2 015)


* (-3,939)

(4, 4 50) (1 2 026) (5,476) ( -4,100) (7,793) (6,252) (7,111) ( 5,357) ( :1-4,068) (t2,071) (+317) Compl eted ( Ne w Constr.) Total In Sigh t Plus Le a sing Pr ogram I nc r e a se or Deficit .,,.t (+5,609) .· 11-15-68 (1, 48 1) (3,3 6 2) .

Figures in t his double column are basic and represent the e n 1:ire program; ( ) in columns to the right, indicate b r e akdown b y

progr ams of fi gures included in basic columns.

Inclu d es 48 5 uni t s Proposed, 15 Authorized for L. P., 1~03 Ni>t committed; and will also require 1,936 additional reserva tions

not yet r e que s t e d by the Ci t y.

Inc ludes , 1 , 01 5 un i t s l e a ~sd f or P. H. Also 27 , 0 2 1 units ha vi! been re p orted by the Housing Code Division a s repa i red ( rehab. ).

However, those f i gures i ncl ud e u n i t s f ou nd in compliance on o r iginal inspection. I t is estimat ed tha t 75% of th i s fig u r e , or 20,266 substandard unit s hav e been b r o ught into compliance thr ough ac t u a l rehabilitation. 569 units hav e bee n rehab il itated by H. A. in the Wes~ End U. R. area ; 53 in Be d f or d-Pine; and 125 in Model Cities. These rehab i litated units do n ot inc rease the number o f hous i ng unit s a vailable, but do increase the supply of standard units. Note: Includes only unit s fi n anced under Federa l ass i sted low a ruj medium income housing programs; and units cons t ruc ted u n d e r conventional finan c i n g a s follows: Respectfully s ubmit t e d, Multi-fa mily unit s cos t ing not more than $ 10,000, exclusive of land) 11 ) Duplex units " " " " $12,000, " " @ 11 11 " " Single Family 11 $ 15,000, " " " ) _ ___ , .. . ~ /;.,;?..c..,... . = ..,, A :.. 1 - / .<). ~ @Excludes unit s k nown to rent for in ~xcess of maximum rents authorized Mal colm D . J on for the Rent Supplement Pr ogram. Administ r a t i ve Co o rdinator for Hous i 1 Summary of Public Ho using in Atla nta --.2- Encl: r· �HOUSING RESot ·RcES COMM ITTEE (SUMMARY OF PUBLIC HOUSING IN ATLANTA) Existing Units in operation when accelerated program started, Nov. 15, 1966 - filled. 8,874 Units completed and under development (Convention Construction) since program started Nov. 15, 1966, as fol lows 1,140


(140) (350) McDaniel-Glenn Apts., in Rawson-Washington U. R. Project; completed 11-10-68. (Includes 154 Elderly.) Units in Perry Homes Extension - South of Procter Creek. Completed 3-27-69. Units Under Construction in Thomasville U. R. Project. Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed 7-1-78. Ground broken 1-17-68. Will try to have part delivered 6-30-70 before final scheuled completion date Jan. 1970. (Includes 16 Elderly.) Units reserved to Atlanta by HUD for new construction: 6,200 (3967) (1503) (730) Alloca~ions (Permanent and Proposed) Completed Under Constr. In Planning Proposed Bankhead Courts - {388) (112) Hollywood Courts (202) (Incl. 6 Elderly) Gilbert Gardens (220) (Incl. 8 Elderly) Leila Valley Apts. (175) East Lake #2 (800) (Incl. 150 Elderly) (These figures represent Jonesboro Road #1 (160) a breakdown of the HUD Wel l swood Apts. ....---(324) , alloca t ions.) TOTALS (388) (1993) North Av e.-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bed :Eord-Pine U. R. Project (353)(Includes 283 Elderly) (98) '. Bedford Place-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project Pittman-Hilliard Street (Butler Stree t U. R. Project) (lOO)Elderly (250)Elderly North Avenue-Techwood Jonesboro Road # 2 (100) (48) 36~8 Gilbert Rd., S. E. (300) Boulder Park Roosevelt and Delano (23 7 ) (Not committed nor proposed.) (1101) (485) ( Approved for use in the leasing progra m) Allocated for Leasing Program (Leased units can only be utilizE-,J for P. H. occupancy as they become v a c ant.) Total units under lease l,015;(Under annua l contributions contract, 1,030). Total units Completed, Under Development, In P l anning, Proposed, Uncommitted & authorized for Leasing Progra m. 3 00 7,640 ( 1015) 16,514 Uni t s a ctually under lease--9 locations (of 1,030 Allocated and Approved for leasing program); most o f thes are occupied or available for occupancy as Public Housing. Total Public Housing Potential, with current allocations and reservations authorized by the HAA.

Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).

Encl. 1 November 15, 1969 �