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Jo Ho Leopold October 14, 1968 Atlanta Housing, Jonesboro Road Project Jft,y 17, _1_9~ Developer received telephone advice i'J.9om Arlll th~t tentative approval of site h ad bee:n grc'J.ntod by HUD3 birt. that for-r:ial. r~llo"tnt~rrl:, of dl·relling t.u-.d.ta f or t hio proj~ct has net yet coR0 thro~1 0 Developer advised that he would proccecl ui-th preparation of forma l proposal includi..i'lg cost 0stit.1:..tcs pursuant t o instruct.ions cont,ained in the mm 711.i.···nkey t-1:anualp plus p!"G'Tious sugg0stions D1..ad0 by l\.HA in P.prilp 1•168 i n co:m.-~ ction r·lith docunents uubm·::.t od by Dovel();)er 110.y 6P 1968 to tho Zoni.."1g Cofil"..1.ittee. Jgy 24, 1968 Option and saloa agreements for· purchaoe o f pl"operty (3 parcels ) e;rocuted Options o--..--pL~e Dcce.Tu.?er 13 11 19680 by · Devoloyer and pl"operly m·mors. August 292 1,268 Neeting wH,h Developer and Hr o Jesse To CollL").s, Assistant Yice Pr0eident, F'u.lton Ha'c.ional BaPJt, concerning availnbillty of :fin.mci.."'l.g :?or projcc"t o Po problem wao forseeno Applice.ble percent inter0ot. and discoll.1--rt l:".:::.ies i;'"O'!J.ld be subject to money m2.rket conditions at ·::.iJ~e coL'l!"...itr:-,ont is ra.:i.de o l>.i.."Te:rt rates are 8 percent and 2 percent per yoar, respectivoJ.¥e Architect and Developer attended conference at AI~~ to go over proposed desig.,se Corrments received will be lll.corpo1~ateli into basis fer prop0sa.l which will be subnitted as soon as c.i'1ocked construction cont est·inatea a.rG available from contract.or, Abco Bt'lilders, Inc. beien estimated. Other costs have already October 2, 1968 Forwarded. drawings to Abco Builders for conrrtruction cost estinateg Architectural - All tmlldinga Plumbing (IJt..elliX'.g urtlts on!Ji·) .· Heating w, H v, Electrical n n et 0t.oro Sewer> Outside Sanitary 3ewo~ Outoido Gas & Water �Atle..nta Housing ( co!lt.inued - Page 2) Visited city firo ::1:-1.11shal9s offi ce and ouhm.tted proposed fire i:·:.ater eyatem lo.yont o 1',r5.tton approval t"'eceived i~"om fire r:t:-,,rs.i'1al subject to sllgat shifting of hydrants from posit:Lons shmmo Dra't.'ii'lng being c~,1ngedo October 118 1268 For1·rard0d to Abco Euilders PlumM.r..g, Air Condit:Lon.l."l.g ar..d Electrical cb."2.1,·1in"'o for Co:r1::unity Build.i.."lg and AdJ£.i.nicrr.ra.tion an(l 1'!aintcncince Builcli.!~g3 also z-oviocd outi:;idc wa. \er drawing Gh:)w:l..n3 approved fire protection L., you.t o Although th0s0 e.s:1d t:1e m"'.:11·ri.1gG sent Octo'be:i." 2 .:i,re rzot cntii.--~ly co:riplGt 0, they do 0!101·1 suffident info:i."!:<'1iicn to ill 1~t:-:-2.to :. :~:tnciptl c.cd.cn ccnce:_)t::. 1 and provide a basin for realistj_c prol:J.mi~a.ry constr·uction corrc 0Dtir::iat.0s., Advised AHA by tel-3P .0110 of cu.rrent status of propo[;al9 including e2:p~c-tatic.u that construction cost estimaiGs should be avail~ble by next t.'0ck, a.11d. the:.-;; f'or;:::.al p:ropocal nh~uld be ready a few days t.herca~tcr .. Dev~loper ,-rlll ke,~D AHA posted on progr-ens until pz-oposal is su".mtted., Checked w·lth Cont.r.actoro He expe ct.a to ba ready with esti!:"..ato October ~Jo Dra,,rlnga are in h;mds of various opecialty subconLl"J.ct ora for quctatiomJ., Date given allm-m for l"eview-l!1g and assembling the estl!Jates. �