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• ~ TIU: . , .:,J'A CO. -~1T :·Tin.:, hi:J.n, l\o,. 21, 1•.s; --~ T I . ~, I r '"'0'.:1, st·ih:! ~r\y·-crruncnt 11111st o: !1~·1.ir\rn1l'.Cn :t,.•,, · n-1~1st re,u:ict t.:;Pi:· rt.<·,t.1nn~. i1lj)S \r it h acc0-1)t nc\v res})·). i:,i1~tit~. t~crehry r.f H(; icing nnri lJrb:·n Dcve!opn1 c : (1 e or g e F0;!lncy. Sr>:~. jl, .- ci'd Ba!:d·. I'..-Tcru1., ai:ri others t, ill the llt!i 1 i-:- .. nl go\ ci~·~_!Tlvnts, tJ·,(·r1ts


~,n·ern- t!1ust Illf'\'0 r·~·cv fr.0rn rur;,L-::u1,u/l)an d l.l1'1~it! ,n not in !he bc·st in',~rt Jl nf ceniral cif1P,- anri stale r,1t•st "de ·1~<; \·i .. b~c 1netroprii;i;.,r~ 1nt>rh:·nis:ns fnr me,:tir.g m et r o p o l i t a n 1. • r."cd::." i r.n!•OS: LS l\ .\f~11 t·ATE r~<1k0r, trho h!LI u· 1·1cc·d <'rd l 1,•j1l ,,- .. JriC th()..,_, .. 1'1 •-1:lrl}~T' J~fr· I [,·,,_:-/\·cq,11~1~ ·'i,,.·,~iP; j;:f;is a- I J / tion, ;::.·h1itt"ri ti1?t t;'C i':·l!pnsals I

ire in:dN1:1 ·.1° lfJ m~rt the j

,r,·r':; of state an! b<'~· l ;:ovcrn-1

1w·1,:s. but arC' a m -,,,~ aw:,v fr,Hn ccntrc11izatk,n. \,it:1 vi1=- 1 lw,l'y il'l slrin;rs n·t~,c-h1"i n1·d 1 '.\') tld prnvidr ~'.rt ;itn licxibildy ! M1i a bcttt'r drl1nr~· s_v.tc,n / t!1111 co.1 p 1clr rcii· rcr on the t;rarit-ithitd ar~1rc,1ch. I Ba' .r.r rldrr.d, d 11r. pro:;11111 ~·, kttcr th.111 C/lic inr·lu hnt; !:ix c:-.·dil,, w:1ic;i J,, r-a;d wculd DO'.)STS !'.I. 'O.. h!U.iR .\r\!S ca11. conf-Js:on . In an'>wer to a question from George Ho!r>ncy S!zti, Rep H:ir>1'- ' F1rn<;worth 0f .\i>:t!;.. :n, Ba .. cr s:1id he bciie ·...:s t!1e fcd~ral go'. r>rnmcnt is the bc~t re\·emir' c0llcctor and !he states best rcn:m1e spenders. NPgro Strite Rep. William Bowen of Ohio asknd v·hat provisions ;:ire in the lcgi:,Jation to prevent states frron1 discriminating against minnntirs in spending tile tax funds including specifi c cl,:uses on this. but determined the 1964 Civil ·Ri;;hts Act provided adequate protection. $10 MILLION Bnker said that an amount equal to the gross national product r;ould be needed annually to solve the problc>rns of ihe slates and cities, and his bill would pior.uce $500 million in 1971. He s;::;J Georgia \\c,ulrl gd about '."10 mill ion tbe first year. State Hep. IL L. il."lerideth of Missi~sippi sairi he w2s glarl the I 1 I N:rnn nrimini~.freifi0 is ":iZ:mitt ing" fcdcra l pro2r:1, ,1s have failC'd 1-1nd that ;;, , s ca 1 hrip sol\·r H•c nntim s ,\'lit'l11S, ,.nd th·,t ··thi:: is a ,, :' jn the ribht clirt:clk;n, but "\\ (• l1r'Cd to Slep fdrflier and qui, i·,,r .E,1tlicr, Homncy had en• I / / . ('II• f T:r,rr1n':·y s: id i,1 a lunchron th..., r.:1ticn 1r,crLin~ in ,\ l ~;.nt:.i 1.o I I '

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