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RICHARD L. FULLERTON AND ASSOCIATES Con1ultant1 /or ..Atulti-/amily JlouAing TELEPHONE 872-6089 April 25, 1968 1222 PEACHTREE ROAD, N. E. P. 0. BOX 7164 ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30309 TELEPHONE 422-4479 145 NORTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE P. 0. BOX 2068 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. , Mayor The City of Atlanta Clty Hall Atl nta, Georgia D u r Mayor Allen: For everal weeks I have been in conferences with the very excellent staff of your Hous ing Res ources Committee and of the Hous lng Authority with reference to a m jor innova tion we a re undertaking for the provision of low cost housing in urban a r as . Please accept my sincere expression of gratitude for thelr courtesies and their very as hite attention to the matters brought before them . I am worklng ln behalf of a well ca italized g rou p ·whlcb controls the ~tents by which a major breakthrough ln construction costs can b achieved. To over lmpllfy, it is our intention to not m rely "prefabrlc te" but t o actua lly manufacture housing wilts and deliver them to th e s it a lmost intact . The t,Jatents have to do wlth a method of preforming fibre lass so that the necetJsary s tructural charact rlstlce can be built lnto the bulldlng components on a m as~ production ba s t • The automobll indu ·try is turning out much mor complicated prod'1ct th n the housing induMtry at enormously lower costs. Machine work and mass t1roductlon tecbnlque are th obviou nsw r. Our think.in ls not uniqu t.n thls re ard, but the group I r present doeliS control rlgld patent and unusual billtie in the necessary ft lds s o that -we re ur that w can move forw rd. I am writlng now with reference to th "Honor Farm" land th t is currently under con ider tlon by your ofrlce • Obviously th re ls an ov rwhelmlng need for low co t housing to be bullt ln Atl nta. You ll b v faced this issue squarely and I am conftd nt that adequate solutions to the many ~roblem Ul quickly be found. �