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WARE, STERNE Sc GRIFFIN A TTORNE Y S A T L AW SU ITE 639 TR U S T COMPANY OF GEOR G IA BUI L DI NG ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 HENRY H . WARE, JR . E DWIN L. ST ER N E WI LLI AM W . GR IFF"I N RO BERT F . LYLE April 22, 1968 T EL EPHONE saS- 5591 JOHN P. RABUN , JR. RALP H S . F ORC E AL T ON H . HO P KINS JO H N W . AKR I DG E , JR. M I CHAEL L . S E L L ERS Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: After our discussion last week at lunch, I met with Mr. Satterfield, Executive Director of the Atlanta Housing Authority, and Les Persells, his assistant, and discussed the whole matter with them at leng th . While I am sure you recognize that there are some delays which are beyond our control , nevertheless, I would like f or the Housing Author ity to do everything possible not only to avoi d de lays on i ts own account but t o keep afte r t he ot he rs with whom we have t o deal , such as t he Fe deral Government , arch itects , City Plann i ng Department, etc., t o try t o move things a long as speedily a s poss i ble. With t his in mind Mr . Satterfield te lls me t h i s morni ng that he has employed Co l . Jame s B. Mi ller, . a retir e d Army Colon el , as Production Coordinator f or the Housing Authority. His duties will be specifically to try t o cut red tape, break log jams and move things along both within and without the Housing Authority. I hope, t oo, that Col . Miller will make periodic reports, copies of which will be sent to you and others interested, so that we may see and keep up with any lags in these matters. Wi th kindes t regards, I am ELS:ms cc: Mr. Cecil Alexander cc: Mr . M. Bo Satterfield Edwin L. Sterne �