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CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL TEL. JA. 2-4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA April 23, 1969 () Mr . ~- A. Carlton Troutman , Sams, Schro~dQr · Lockerman Will iam· ·Oliver Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 D r Mr. Carlton , The r que t from the Georgi Pow r Company to install security lights on private property without conforming to the requirements of the City of Atlanta Electrical Code waa con id red by the Ruilding Committee of the 1\01:rrd of Aldermen on April 23 , 1969. The decision of the Corrmitt w 8 to d ny tho requ st that the G orgia rower Company be ex mpt from co with the City of Atlant lying Electrical Code. Very truly your , WRW : t cc •• E. F . Wise bee .. R. E. Landers George Cotsakis W. R. Wofford Build i n Official �