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MHTTJTES HOUSING RESOURCES EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE AND LOW-INCOP.aE HOUSING COORDINATING GROUP MEETING September 5, 196 8 The regular monthly meet ing of the Housing Resources Committee Executive Group and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held at 10:00 a .m., this date, in Committee Room 2 , Second Floot, City Hall . Fifteen (1 5 ) members of the Housing Resources Committee Executive Group; Eleven (1 1) k ey individuals concerned with Low-income HouSiQg; Seven (7) other invited guests and members of the Press attended the meeting. List o f those invited, with attendance indicated, agenda, end other r e lated documents are attached to the file copy of the minutes. Chairman Alexa nder presided . Mr . Alexander o p ened the meeting by stating the following six proposals that were submitted b y the HRC to the P lanning and Development Committee and t he Zoning Committee of the Board of A.ldermcn at t h e August 2 Special Meeting : 1. Estab lishme nt o f a Commi ttee o f Al d e rme n to be res p onsible ior h ousing. 2. Revis e the Bu i ld i ng Cod e s to pe r mit innov ations in new technique s and ma t e ria ls , particularly in Experiment a l 3 o u s ine in the Mode l Ci ties are~ . 3. Revise t he !Jon - Conf ormi n g Us e Or d;ina nc e to permit str uc tu ral cha ng e s i n residential units. to meet r equ irements o f t he Ho u s i ng Code. 4. Stepped- up Urban Re new al pr ogra m in e xist ing slum areas . 5, 2 , 000 mo re Public 3ousing units . 6, Updated Distric t Zoni n g Map , i ncluding a deq u at e areas for low- i ncome housing . The Chairman expressed disappointment that two meetings o f t he Board of Aldermen have been held since the August 2 meeting with no apparent action taken on ~ny of the EIRC propos~ls . He then stated that there was going to be a meeting o f the Planning and Development Committee on September 13 t o consider the S ousing R0sources Committee ' s proposals• and the next meeting of the whole Board of Aldermen would be held on the 16th of September . The Chairman asked that the Construction and Design Panel of the Housing Resources Committee arr3nge a meeting with Mr. William Wofford, Building Official, to discuss the " Codes", and to offer any help to the Building Department in proposing appropriate specific changes and repor't back to the Committee. j �2 Mr . Al exander stated that the_e were three s o urces by which the Committee could find out about the Codes : ( 1) Mr. Wofford , Bui lding Official, (2) Metropolitan ?lanning Commission - has a complete study of the Building Codes throughout the City of Atlanta and Metropolit an ~tl~nta and , (3) M~ . Johnny J ohnson , Director o f Model Cities . The Chairman then introduced f.tt orney Freeman Hutton, Att o rney ~ utton, speaking for the Legal Panel of the Committee , made a present ation in brief of the principal f eatures c o ntained in the National Housing Act o f 196 8 . A copy of his pres entation is attached to the file copy of these minutes . Mr . Cary a ook s , Director of Federal Hous ing Atj~iniGt rnti o n otnt e d that the 22 1 ( h ) pr ogram i s funded 2nd that it mey have interes t rates as l ow as 1 , 2 or 3 % o n the mortga gEs, that the minimum numb er o f units has now been reduced from 5 to 4 a nd may include d uplexes , if the owner lives in o ne side . He al so st ated that htlant a is now. o perati ng under Section 2 35 and that maximum mortgages have been increas e d in the Atlanta area t o $ 1 5 , 000 and in hieh cost area s to $17,5 u0 . He st ated the 221 d(2) applications can be tra nsferred to 235 . Mr . Books stated , h o wever , tha t t he p rogram is in need o f c o unselors . Mr . Alex ander suggested that Interfaith , I nc . be c ont acted . Mr . Willia m Howla nd , Executive Direct or of CACUR , stated tha t cons tructi on would star t Mond a y on CACUR ' s 221 (h) project in Lindw ood Park . Dr . Benjamin E . Mays st a ted that 6 , 000 , 000 dwelling 1nits out of a t otal of 20 , 00 , 000 in the President 's ten year Housing Pr ogra m i s insufficient f or l ow-income h o using , He als o asked if p eople making $3 , 000 c o uld buy single- fa mily h o u sing? Mr . Hoo ks explained that the program is desiened to a ccomp lish this under ce rt ain c itu t at ions and that this is where the n eed f or cou nse li ng comes in . Dr . Mays suggested that all members o f the Ho using Res ou rces Committee be furniGhed 8 c opy o f the Houaing Act o f 1968 . Mr . P.lexander suggested that a long-range Plan ning Comm ittee should be set up to work with the Legal Panel . He also called attention to the financial impact o f the l ow- income housing program on the City and stated that this has not been adequa tely emphasized; that at an average cost o f $12P60 p er unit , this pro gram alonep money wise , amounts to the equ i valent of five Firs t National Bank Buildings . Mr . J . E . Giblin , representing Mr. Wells of the Business Participation Panel , informed the group that Sylvia Porter had just st arted a series of articles in the Atlanta Journal on the impact of the changes in the National Housing Act of 1968 . �3 Mr . flexander s ugges t that Mr . Archer Gmith , Legal Panel , wo rk w:Ji.th Mr . V;7 • W. Gates , .,me Cons u ltant , in prep3ring f o r the Comr.1ittee and the .?ub lic high lights o x p rincipal changes in the Fational Ho using Act o f 196 8 . Mr . Ro b o t C . W~ t k ins exp lained the general purp ose of Atlanta 's n ei,1 ily f ormed }lousing Development Cor p oration and commented on a p~ o j ect o n which the Corpor@t·on is wor k ing involring the h ouses being moved from .f.tlsnta f.irport Exp nsi o n area ; that a local n npr o fi:t organization pr opos es buying the h ous e s ; mo ving them and reha b ilitat ing the m u nd e r the F HA 2 2 1 ( h ) p rogram . iVJ:c . [', 1e:,rn n de r commented on th0 Federal P e. Site proposals , subm i ssio n o f wh i c h to the Ho u s ine Pu t h or·ty of the City of Atla n t~ h as been cha n eed fron 3 e p temb Gr ~ t o Octob er 14 , to enable adequ3te consid e r a t i on of t h G n.aw fe a t 1...n·e s conta i nGd in the Ho using 1!.c t of 1 GG 8 . I n the a b s e nce o i comment from tho P lanning Departraent , Mr . f.l exande called on Mr . Joh n ny Robi nson , Commu nity Develop me nt Coordinator , t o comme nt on t he progr e ss b eing madG on improve ment p lans for t he IJ.f..3 B- BA1'JS area . Mr . Rob in::::o n st a ted that ILL . Bo b Weyme r of EOJ; is wor kin g w ·th the peop l e i n Vine City . He 3tat cd t ha t the pe o p le should b e inv ol v e d in the p lann ine and in discussion of d e velopmen t pl ans with City Of ficials . He also 3tated tha t the area ha s bee n divid e d into four sectors a n d that the t entat iv e o ff icers of 7 ine Ci t y a re : Cha i rm a n - Mrs . Ee len Howar d and Co-C h a i r ma n - Mr . J o h n Brown . Mr . Al c xEnd er s u ggested t h at t he Ci ty o u ght to ha ve a ti me s chedule f o r imp rovemen t p la ns and de v el o p men t o f t h 0 diff 0 r en t p ro p osed Urba n Rene wa l a reas and tha t aft e r due notice and ample time f o r c i tizGn p a rtic ipa tion, t hG Ci ty s h o uld go ahea d and a c t i f the s itua t i o n i 5 deemed cri tica l . There vrn G ge n e :r 2l 2 ss on t f:r o r.i Commit t ee member s. Mr . ~ obinso n s tated that a time table ha s been esta blis hed f o r 18 mo nths ha~1e already been l ost . NA.SI-I- Bf;.:N2 o nly on organi z ~tio nal o tr uct1..n·c a n d t ha t After cons iderable di ~ cussi o n , ~r . frcher Sm i th ~a de a mo ti o n that t he flRC protest to the tla yor c:ind Bo ard o f i' l derme n , and reque st cons iderati o n o f rescindine , o~ ~n f l dermanic Re so lu ti on intr oduced Scp t 0mbcr 3 and approved September 4 , calling o n the .fHlan t a Rous i n g Au t hori t y~ notify the Board of fldermen at least 30 d3ys in advance of any lea s e agreements which it ~:,roposes making for Public i"Iousing . ?he mo tion was seconded by Mr . Hervey and duly adopted without any dissenting votes . The ~eeting w~s adjourned et 11 : 30 a . m. �Respectfu l ly sub mitted , °1',Yl--O143.215.248.55o -f!.ri/ ,rJ ~ / Ma lcolm D. Jon¾ s Housing Coordina tor Encls : Inv itational no tice llgenda List o f th ose inv i ted and in attendance Brief o f Mr . Freeman Hu tto n ' s pres e n ta t i o n o f the Nati o nal Ho using Ac t ( bll with file c o p y o nly ) �