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. j _ __ , Recoffi1Ilendation by Housing Resources Committee: 2.000 more public housing units. Aldermanic Connnittee review and action: 1. The request for a reservation of 2,000 additional units of public housing to the Housing Assistance Administration of the Department of Housing and Urban Development is in line with the city's goal of ~reating 18,429 public housing units in the city by 1971. 7 2. To date we have obtaine·d and utilized reservationftotaling 4,500 units. Thus,.we currently have reached an accumulative total of 14,514 units or 79% of our go a J. 3. The propos ed reservation of an additional 2,000 units would bring us an accumu lative total of 16,514 units or 90% of our goal. · 4. The Planning and Development Committee recouL01ends adoption of the resolution. 7 �Recommendation by Housing Resources Committee: , Stepped-up urban renewal. Aldermanic Committee review and action:· Eventually, every neighborhood in Atlanta must be involved to some degree and in some form of renewal improvemnt. While we have long sup~orted a stepped-up renewal program, we have tempered our recommendations by the realities which administrative, financial and housing limitations as well as social problems have imposed. It is purely wishful thinking to believe that Atlanta can step up its renewal program and ignore the limitations which are real not imaginary. In addition, many of the limitations are couched in legal requirements which are difficult to overcome. We have been working in the Na~h-Bans Area for appro ximately one and a half years, attempting to organi ze the community in support of renewal i mprovements. Again, this take s time to develop and is a legal mandate the city must fulfill. The expressed objectives of the recently adopted Neighborhood Development Program would also support a locally stepped-up renewal program. The Neighborhood Development Pro g ra m was authori z ed by Section 501 of the Hou s ing and Developmen t Act of 1968 . Howeve r, while the Neighborhood Dev e lopme nt Pro gr am may provide the framework by which to accel e r a t e loca l r e newa l efforts and soften some of our l i mit a tions, it will in no way r e solve loca l fina ncial limitations. The Pl anning Department has b e en instruct ed to pursue this program further and report back to the Planning and Development Committee, �I Reco!:l11lendation by.Housing Resources Committee: Revised Non-Conforming Use Ordinance. Aldermanic Committee review and action: 1. The Housing Resources recommendation was specifically oriented to dclapidated housing in industrial zoned districts. The Planning and Development committee did not share the idea that major structural improvement of residential structures in industrial districts should be allowed. The committee felt that prolonging the life of a residential structure in a slum environment where residential standards and services (parks and schools) are not being provided, is no solution. 2. The committee requested the staff to bring to the attention of the Zoning Committee and the joint Planning Board their feelings concerning the non-conforming Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. · The Zoning Ordinance is under review at the present time with minor revisions expected to be brought before the Board in mid-October. �Recomi~endation by Housing·Resoqrces Committee: , Revised Building Code. · Aldermanic Committee Review and Action: 1. The com.~ittee supports the position to revise the Atlanta Building Code to enable the greater use of new techniques and materials as long as Atlanta's building standards are improved not compromised. 2. The committee felt that recommendations for change should be specific and be addressed to the Building Inspector and his Technical Advisory Board. 3. The committee r e commended that the profe s sionals associated wi th building in the Atlanta Area be summoned to demonstrate and document the need for change based on their actual experience with the existing code, And further reco mmends that the Housing Resourc es Committe e coordina t e and work with this group of profes s ionals and the Building In spe ctor in the review of Atlanta's Building Cod e and its interpreta tion. �Recommendation by Housing Resources Corranittee , A committee of the Aldermen concerned with Housing. Aldermanic Committee review and action 1. Recommended the utilization of the existing Planning and Development Corr.mittee to be responsible for the continuing development of housing policy and to provide greater direction and guidance to the Housing Resources Committee. This pos.ition was taken because the composition of this conunittee is broad consisting of . representation from all other aldermanic committees concerned with community development, redevelopment, and improvement. 2. A resolution was recommended which officially documents and emphasi zes this position (to be submitted Board of Aldermen September 16, 1968). 3. The committee also felt that the Housing Resources Coromittee (a citizen group) has and can continu e to have the most effective body for gaining citizen support and underst anding for low-income housing in Atl ant a as we ll as the Atl ant a regiona l ar ea. The continuing efforts and advic e of t his commi ttee will be of gr e at ass istance to the Planning and Development Con:mittee. �