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. 1 Hay i, 1969 (.) Mr. J .1-1. Ffo.nis::1n 245 Thixd St. s.E. Atlontn 1 Georgia 30317 ~: 1600 D:t~(iE! . l-1.VC .. $.E. ..-·· . .· · ' .. ::· ·_ .,,.,,,. - De..'1r Hr. Flnn$.g~1.n: . I I Your recc:nt; inquiry concen1ing the Hurphy Apartments ll.'.i.S for:\1.:2rded to this office. Ort April 10, 1969. we. h~ci' su~11one:d Hl"'. Thoino.s Reaves; owner of these properties, into Hun:i.c:i.pnl Court fo"J.· viofotiort of just about nll of the sections of tha Housing Code. ~-..·.- lle appenred before Jud3c Robc1:t: Sp~irks and was given n $500.00 i.,uspendecl fine and 90 days to fully cornpJ.y with the Housing Code. You f!,j_y ~c.$t,: ftSsu-red, that ut the t!ncl of the 90 ,fay pc1.'ie:<l we will incpect again to determine tf. the p:rcporti~s h~ve been rcp:,frcd. Sincerely yours., G.D. Uitchcoc'k Staff Officer;. Codes Cofilpli.nncQ Off ice GD_H/js cc: W·. R. Wo:f~orcl.;. B.ui.10.:I.P..g Off 1cia l ~- ' • O· �