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~ ~ //} F!-ETCHER THOMPSON M E;MBER OF CONGRESS 16 RICHARD ASHWORTH ADMINISTRATIVE A SS ISTANT ~ ~R~H ;U ,, D~G 5TH DI STRICT, GEORGIA QCongrtss of tbt Wnitcb ~tatc~ · 327 OLD POST OFFICE'. , ATLANTA J,ouse of l\epresentatibt11 i!Da~fugtou, 119. "~ August 12, 1968 Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan : Enclosed is a response I've received from the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development concerning Atlanta's inclusion in the list of cities to participate in the In-City Ex perimental Housing Project. Be assured that I shall continue to press for Atlanta's inclusion in this project . With kindest personal regards , I am Yours very truly , ~ FLETCHER THOMP SON Member of Congr ess FT/pm Enclos ure 30303 �