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EDW IPl M. , . . S 'r ER NE EXE C U TI V E C HA I RMA N B . SATTERFIELD D I RECTO R AN O S ECRE TA R Y LESTER H . PERSELLS GEORGE S . CRAFT ASSO C IA T E EXE C UT .I V E D !R E CT O R V I CE CH A IR MA N CA RL T O N GARRETT DIRECTOR J. B. OF FIN A NCE GILBERT H . BOGGS SLA Y TON DIR E CTOR OF HO U S ING FR ANK G. ETHERIDGE HO W ARD OPENSH A W JA C K F . GLENN D IRECT OR 824 HURT BUIL D I N G ATLANTA, GEORG IA 36303 O f' RE DE V EL O P M E NT GEORGE R . SANDER TECHNIC A L D IRECTOR JACKSON 3-6074 May 22, 1968 Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr. c/o Mayor's Office City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Sweat: Another FIRST for Atlanta! Thursday, May 30, 1968 at 10:00 a.m. the Atlanta Housing Authority will be host at ground-breaking ceremonies for the first 11 New Town-In Town 11 program in the country. To reach the site in the Thomasville Urban Renewal Area, please turn south off McDonough Boulevard op Henry Thomas Drive. Direction signs from that point will be posted. It is our hope that you can be present on this important occasion to meet and hear Dr. Robert C. Weaver, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development. With Mr. Edward H. Baxter, Regional Administrator, DHUD, presiding, Dr. Weaver will be presented by Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Others participating will include John T. Edmunds, Assistant Regional Administrator, DHUD ; Warden Gordon Blackwell, Uo s. Federal Penitentiary; Cary Hooks , Director , Georgia Federal Housing Administr ation; and Wilbur H. Sanders , Regional Administrator, General Services Administration. One hundred and t wenty acres have been made available to the Authority by the Federal Government to use in developing a new model community in Atlanta. This new neighborhood , superior in s chools, parks and ot her community facilities, i s expected to show the way for cities in the nation to utilize federal sur plus lands to meet cr itical urban needs . This ground- breaking is symbolic of the type of leadershi p Atl anta i s furni shing the nation. ~:_, Edwin L. St erne Chairman ELS:gk �