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NATIONAL HOMES GORPORATION LAFAYETTE, INDIANA JAMES R. PRICE C ha irmein of the Boe rd ond Chief Exe c utive Officer October 31, 1968 Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Director of Governmental Liaison City Hall 68 Mitchell Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dea r Mr. Sweat: I cordially invite you to see our new Town House Parks concept to solve the urban housing crisis. National Homes Corporation has developed, and ma.de an a ctuality, permanent houses of quality construction to solve the urban housing crisi s . The f i rst l arge group of these totally mmufa ctured homes were erected a t 50th & Blackstone in Chicago, I llinois , thi s pa.st August. I know t his new, successfully-proven idea will be invaluabie to your considerations of a solution to your local hous ing problems. So, I would be pleased to have you come, along with thirty-f ive other At lanta of fic ials and businessmen, on Wednesday, November 13, 1968 to view our Chicago proj ect, to i nspect our new plant in Lafayette, Indiana, and to see the latest manufacturi ng met hods and materials that produce this remarkable housing . Incidentally, our Thomson, Georgia, plant is being modified and equipped to produce living units for Town House Parks . Also, we plan an entirely new manufacturing facility in Georgia . OUr chartered flight will leave the Atlanta Airport at 9:00 o'clock a.m., and we are scheduled to return approximately 6:00 o'clock p.m. A detailed itinerary, for which all accOD111X>dations will be provided, will go forward to you within a few days, but please reserve November 13th on your calendar. I lmow this fa.ct finding mission will prove to be of immense value to all concerned w1 th urban housing . We very much look forward to your participat i on. Si ncerely yours, ..,./,,, J L o-R~ Fs r---R. Price JRP/ pe ~ NATIONAL HOM ES NATION 'S LARGEST PRODUCERS OF QUALITY HOMES �