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Ju t1f1cat1on For S nior pr par It i , ry 1 portent t'bat tb Status eport on th 1,o •inco e Rousin Prograa b intaln d and kept current , s i t is the only co posit;e -r cord ot lo• and m diu inoo housing in th City . Tb d ta :ls ass bl d froa p r1od1c r port peci ·lly requ std from, nd sub itted by , the Planning . p rta nt , Bullding Divl ion , Hous1n Cod Division , Housing Authority nd BA , w 11 a inform tion obt ind dir ctly fro . builder and d v lop

and fro otb r D part nts nd Agencies on c rt in

proj ct Project spo ors , on r nd nag r should lso b cont cted to det . in breakdown of unit by b droom co position nd verifie tion ot r ntal pric , to . Det 11 d infor nu ber of units , 1th bedroo e prices ., extent of utilit i es furnished and tatus of v .lopaent of ch proj ct is nee ss ry for providing s nt1 1 nd tia ly 1nfor tion on the project to · eloc ti.on Services and' to th Public who ay b int r sted in occupying the uni ts . eoapo . ition , r ntal nt ar const ntly increasing fro the Public and nt offici 1 for infor tion cont ind in this report . The lso invaluabl to th City in docu nting annual th ork bl Progra nd in providing d t on relocation of the City in connection with pplications for Urb n nd 1gbborhood Dev lop ent Progr projects tlroughout the sp ct lly s p rtains to tbe Model Citi s are . Th pr on char d with thi function could be d inistratively as ind to notb r Dep rtment , but , to be most ffective , should or dir ctly with nd under the sup rvision of the Housing Coordin tor. Todt , tb1 r port h b n prepar d , only sk tchily and prod c d uch too infr u ntly , by the Housing Coordintor , hoc nnot d vot th ti to it bicb is required , and still perfor his other pro otional and ooordin ting function, in connection itb the Lo - income Housing Progr • If th Low- Inc Housing Progr should change direction soon to r fl ct xpanding activiti s in tbe, Model Cities progr . nd the pl ciu of gr at r ph sis in oth r directions , on ore involved activitle such s the Urb~n Co liti n , it will be ore 1 port nt than v r th t o .on be v il bl , ta iliar ith nd ble to keep up th Lo -1ncom Housing St tus R por~ on current and continuing basis . 1 booter on a per on 1 his service Consult nt �