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PICHA ..::> o. nu s~ J OH!i !.>TCl'l~-11!>, !•~\ ~~ SIU,\llT !,Y!,11~:.:,, 0.: , t ll:l . >U::r.:rn "' · Ji1CKS'OH , V:i ,!',t-1 . !:AP.: J . E lc'./J:'O , J R ., M.C . H O\'.'ARO \"I , C ·\S Nf,:l, l h V . n c.n ::1:1· c . L-Yr:v, ,., . \ ";. . rLt . (.,A.. , Cll/,H~·-· A:! MA, ·G,,'\1 , 1 T Ct! \~[" rMI rr--t . MAUl .:

iT ff)".', 1' 1 ,1,,: 1,t,"(H! ~.J , :.O .C .

J /,Ct: t.:lt.1.l il, IOWA J OHN G . T OW~f-: , , ex. J/, !,l ES P . ( '~An!::l,l, hi143.215.248.55<;. P LH H . LJOMl:•: Ct< , CCLIJ. STCP : U-N I •• YOU,ir. , 0!110 D "'t , ILL 1<. 11"00 ( ! , 11\V.'l,II T H C l,'o\fi J. M C 1~~7YR=, r:. 1-L O J\NiEL C . r·i.:.. ."IS:TLR, M~. lf,\f:RY f'. DYr.D, J H . , VJ\. C 0 1'JM I TTCC 0,. P.RME D W /\SHINGTOi , D .C. wa4LI At-! 1-i. Dt, RC'IC:r.: , CHIF'F O F sT;.r- i: C >-1,'\PLi: S f' . KIRi:OW , C H : CF (: Lf:RK s-=:,,v1c.::s 205!0 o·-·.ne 20 , 1968 Hono rable Frank .ha ckelford Al s t o n Miller and Gaines Ci t i zens and Southern Na tion al Bank Building At l a nta , Geo r gia 3030 3 r Dear F'rank: Perm it me to acknrnv l eo.ge and thank yo"l!- fo r your letter wi th refer en c e to c onstruction work on the exper i mental l owco st h ousing proj ects rina ncec"i by the Department of Housing a nd Urban Developme nt i n Atlanta and c ert.ain othe r American c ities. I am sur e you know tha t I , as a Member of the Congress , h ave no di rect uuthor ity in r egard to decisions of this kind b y an Executive Departmen L. , but I am anxiou s to be helpful . Accordingly , I h ave been glad t o get i n touch with the Secretary o f Housing and Urban .De velopme nt and express to h im .my strong i nterest in your behu lf. I wiJ.1 advise you immediately when I r eceive some response . With b es t wishe s and personal regards , I am S i nc e rely , .. �