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LI Mr . John T.Edtnunds Assi s t ant Regtonal Adminietratoi for Renewal Asststan~e 645 Peachtree.seventh Bull ding At lanta I Georgia Dear Mr . Edmunds : RB : Georgia Demoliti on Grant Rec;;ent events have led 1,1s ,t o believe th4't a brief summary of our progress in the Demolition Grant frogr m would be in ordel' , This program• as fitSt envisioned . provided for -n esU.mate of 157 buUdings to be razed under the G.liant . No provision or allowence was made fot: owne:r demolitions . Under the amended and xpanded Gl'ent.; thitl ,otal wae increaeed to a1;1 estimated 282 structut"es . The Grant fund was not incr 11sed. Through April 30, 1969. a cumul ative total of 194 st ructure$ have been removed . The a~ttJal funde spent are still running far below the initial estiroat;e bee . use·, of the 194 demolitionr, 1 141 have been demoU .hed by th . owners., only 53 undet contract . Under existing 1 w, tha owner bas the p;ivi1ege to demolish hlm8e1f f.f he so chooses . In addition to the abQve , we have an .,ts.mated 50-case worklo d Qf aetive c see . 'We should add aom.e 30 more d~ring the remaining couree of th progr • It thu ppear that, the program :wiU be lOO'Z &\leeeeeful in he mia,ion, i.e. tor ov th undesirable buildings tn the. G~ant area . To set e completely ioun,ded i,tct\Jre of .th,e eituation, it i ho ,n ee SBary to take into account ·the propertie, which the~ rs hav choeen to i- pair, inadviaedly pc,tbapa. ~everthele,s , under J.ew, the own•r dQ hav th right to reb,billtat lf they to choos. We eati te that some 65 of our caae s•nmctui; • hav ·_ been rep.,ab·ed tn the srea during th ltf of tn- p~ogr m to date . Th• would have to b . deleted fro our total aa repofted~ Thet . wUl probably b• s 15 to 20 mor repaired by th · end of the Gi:-ant progt'am~ �Mr . John T. Edmunds May 9 ,, 1969 Page 2 To 8Ul!IIIl8~ize : Tota1 estimated to be demolished 282 194 Actually demolished ,. April 30 Act:l,ve cases 50 30 To be added Repaired (eet . ) 65 Total Overage 339 57 l'Jl view of the above fi.gu~Js, we feel that the Program will be succesafully concluded. It is alsc:, felt that as general policy in ·Our ove:rall City program,. including the Demolition Grant Progr~. it 18 alway$ desirable to gain the voluntary compliallce of the owners~ if po.seible . · 'l'his creates a b.euer public image, aids in Public Relations , •nd i: . duces the number of posslbl~ lawsuits b.oth sa to the demolitions and as to sny damilgee that might occ\lr to person or property. We hop the above will present a more helpf~l and clearer picture of what we have and expect to accomplish. We .are always mos.t happy to c8operate 1ri.th your office and greatly . pp):'e¢late your asehtanc~ . · Sincerely yours., W. R. Wofford Building Off iQiQ l WBW: jb �