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TO: The Housing Resources Committee of Atlanta FROM: Sub-Committee on Public Housing During the last year the Sub-Committee on Public Housing held numberless meetings with many community leaders and visited a great many acceptable sites for projects. After days and nights of discussions and tireless blending of opinions, plans for action were unaminously agreed. rhe only logical conclusion was reached that (1) subsidized housing must be fairly distributed throughout the city and, (2) that the only politically feasible way to do this was by a "package deal" simultaneously presented to Council by the Mayor and Atlanta Housing Authority with overwhelming community support. Our full Committee, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, the Ma yor ' s Citizens Advisory Committee, church organizations and many others approved and endorsed such procedure. But when submitted to the Housing Authority the Authority stated it hadn't studied the plan, failed to approve or disapprov~but instea d proceeded with the single shot approach which had failed before. The r esult wa s continuing turn downs of rezoning by the Aldermanic zoning powers . . I t is the opinion of the Sub ~Committee on Public Housing t hat i t is not too late to resubmit those rejected z on i ng appl i c a tions t hr ough the "pack age plan" on a simultaneous b a sis t o mee t th e city ' s n eeds for subsid ized hous i ng an d that the Mayor , the Board of Alderman and th e Atlanta Housing Author ity shoul d proceed to do so forthwith . If the same energy, zea l and l ead er s hip of our " power structure" and c i ty offi c ia ls t h at was mobil ized to bu i ld our dazzling stadium, luxu~y apartments and magn i ficent h otel s and office buildings in our urb a n redevelopment a r eas had been applied with equal energy, zeal and lea d ership to providing subsidized housing for those who were bu l ldozed out of slums to make room for these majestic structures, the goal of public housing our Mayor publicly proc l aimed so long ago would now be nearly reached. �. -2. ; We have done wonders for the rich. Now, let us do wonders for the poor! Therefore, as Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Public Housing and on its behalf, I move that our full Committee does now reaffirm its position on "package rezoning", and calls upon its fellow organizations of the city and those responsible for its implementation to cooperate to put it into effect. Member, William Bohn December 12, 1968 ' '\ "' �