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... ·_ · I GEORGIA INST!TUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30332 CFFICE OF THE: Prlla'.SICCNT December 3, 1968 . F.eport on the Activities and Plans of the Construction and D_f!sign Panel of the Housing Resources Committee of the City of Atlanta. !he Construction and Design Panel made preliminary evaluations of new building t2chniques by private entrepreneurs with resulting suggestions to €:'.!.courage development of these techniques. l.. Th8 Panel cc:.iducted a meeting with representatives of the Model Cities ?rogram and other interested civic groups for the purpose of discussing the relation of existing codes with the housing goals of the City of Atlanta. An · offer of assistance was made to the Model CJ.ti.es Program. ·2. ?::.:. Wayne Moore, of the Metropolitan Planning Commission, also offered the assistance of his office. 3. The Panel is support:ing the efforts of the Georgia Institute of Technology to establish a Housing Resources Center, which will collaborate . with private enterprises and with the Urban Life Center of Georgia State College in seeking solutions to many housing problems. 4. . . The Panel believes that its objectives as stated in its annual report for 1967 are still valid. REW:sa Encl: la I �