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GREATER ATLANTA HOUSING DEVELOPNENT CORPORATION -· A charter has been obtained f~r a non-profit corporation to be known as Greater Atlanta Housing Development Corporation. Office space has been secured adjacent to Central Atlanta . Progress, Inc. at 2742 First National Bank Building, for secretarial convenience, and a full-time Executive Secretary, Mr. Robert C. Watkins,·was retained effective July 22, 1968. The purpose of the Corporation is to promote more adequate housing for families with low to moderate incomes through the _following~ activities: 1. Technical assistance for multi-family housing sponsors,.. especially non-profit sponsors. a • . Advising prospective sponsors in site selection, zoning, FHA, HUD, loan matters and problems. b. Collating information accu_mulated from research of city and federal agencies. 2. Provide seed money loans: a. b. c. d. e. ·To secure land onti€:lln·s Pay preliminary architect fees Attorney fees Title surveys Other initial costs until loan closing 3. · Rehabilitation of deteriorating and substandard housing and establishment of a program for sale of single-fami_ly dwellings to occupant _owners. 4. Promote interested parties to help in solution of housing problems .. Operating funds of $22,200 have b eerf provided thus far through a grant of $10,000 from the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and $12,JOO f'rom interested corporations. Plans are undE;r way for providing :more · substantial funds for seed money loans and other purposes. Selec tion of the Board of Trustees and election of officers will nrobably be completed sometime in December, 1968, so that the pro:::;ram the Corporation will becoms fully operative in 1969. of A report of the activities of the· Executive Director in 196$ is attache <.L W. Lee Burge, Chairman . Fina nce and Non-Profit Funds Panel Housing Resources Cormni ttee Encl~ lb ---..-..... ______- ••-·--.,n-,·1t2>1 cs::m �