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r..• Pr oject No. 1-7-68-202 Wheat Street Baptist Church Sponsor - Rev. Wm. H. Borders, Contact Proposed project is a high rise home for the elderly. Will be built on land near the church. Capacity 200 units with a total cost of $3,000,000.00. Consultant .emplo yed - Urban East - Jim Robinson. Seed money will be _needed $50,000.00 - Approx imately 1 year. Architect employed - Paul Nuldawer All land not yet acquired as of 11-6-68 - Variances needed. Preliminary application expected to be submitted by January 1, 1969. 3-9-68-221h Interfaith Inc. to sponsor a project to purchase and remove, rehabilitate to F.H.A. standards and sell appro ximately 1,000 houses now in the path of the airport expansion •. Negotiations started Sept. 3, 1968, with the city to effect this project. Currently the city has an average price (acceptable to Interfaith, Inc.) tha t they are asking the F.A.A. to accept ·in lieu of competitive bids. No information on progress since 10/23/68. 500 houses would have t o be moved in one year. Seed money needed.·No consultant. Project $5,000,000.00 plus. Subdivision land will have to be purchased to accommodate this number of houses in this sbort period of time. December 2, 1968 the F.H.A. has not answered the City's l~tter regarding average price for the houses. No apparent interest. · 5-9~- 68 221 (d)3 . Turner Monumental AME Church wants to sponsor a 221 (d)3 rental project - 100 units $1,500,000.00. This is in the Kirkwood Area. The sponsor would need seed money for land purchase . _ 11 Acres of land located and available. Architect s e lected and consultant obtained. 9-10-68 221h The Atlan ta Urb an League, Inc . , 239 Auburn Ave. - Lyndon W3de , Executiv;a Director , interested in being non-profit sponsor for a r ehabilitation proj e ct. Sponso r will buy sub-standard hous e s, rehabilitate t hem to F.H . A. stand ards t hen sell them back to the forme r occupants or other qua li fie d f amilie s. A l eg man . needed to locate these hous es and pu~ them to ge th er in projects of e ight. Ur ban League made app li ca tion to b e a no n-profit sponsor. When s t arted wi. 11 probably do 100 hou s e s t he fi r st yea r. @ $1 , 000 , 000 . 00 . Se ed money ne eded - No con sul t an t f ee au thori zed o 10-10- 68 The· Comm~ni t y Serv i c es f or the Blind, I nc ., 1341 Ponce de Leon Ave.~ Mr. R.W. Edwards , Execut i ve Direc to r, want s t o sponsor a college dormitory for th e ir s chool. An a rchitect, Bruc e Go ff emp l oyed~ Rep. Ed Hansen, a con sultant employed. Seed money will be needed: 11··10-68-234 Hodel _C ities - Johnny J ohnson, Di.rector . It ha s been proposed th.:t G .A. H.D. Corporation buy a _site in the Model Cities area~ then negotiat-:! a contract to have constructed, · on this s ite, 14 prebuild "Cm:1,-uodore 91 . or similar row type housing units under the condominium plan . Archi t ect, Hou s ing Hanufacturer - Consultant Urban EasL Seed money needed. Might initiate in January 1959. �