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December 23, 1968 MEMORANDUM To: Col. Malcolm Jone s F r om: Dan Swe a t Subj ect: Rema r ks at Annual Meeting of HR C I pointed out that the statistics rel eas ed b y Col. J one,s and t he Committee weJ"e certainly i mpressive and t h a t the influence of th . Committe ' e Bucces was not confi ne d t o Atlant a I s housing pro g r m but hae also been felt at th nat ional level nd t hat hous ing experts from over the co\Jntry have comm nt d on the Atlanta approac h and on the exc 11 nt program of the Housing Re ourc s Cornmit t ee. It i my f eling that the story behind the statistic s ia wher th teal meaning of thi Committ and th housing program i e to be found . I aid th t the work of th Cornmitte h made all th · city w re of th d perat ne d for dee nt hous i ng for th les fortun t e, 1 s fluent cltb ns of Atl nt • -It has h lp d b:rldge the gap of er dibillty b tw en th City • th in titution .. the powel' structur (call it wh t you will ) nd av ry l rge nd import nt s gm nt of our cornmunlty, nd .. most importantly, thl pro gr m st rted t h City out on n w dir ction so long n ed d . The A l d rmen und rstood thi n ed when th y t fu ed to p Urban Ren wal S urvey n d P l nning appllc tlone until th hou ing r loc tion n eds w r m t . Th Mayor r Uz d th need wh n he c 11 d th Housing Conf :r nc and tabll h d thi commltt and lt w obvious that th prlv t bu in s lead r hip r cogniz d it wh n you, th m · m bera of the Hou ing R ourc Commltt , r pond d as you hav done. l point d out th t the r ult nt; ch ng s a r, r fleet ·d in a r poi-t given by Howard Op nsh w t th last CACUR m etln . M r. Op nshaw �Col. Jones Page Two December 23 , 1968 pointed out that of th 10,033 units begun in urban renewal projects in 1968, 884 have been completed which is 21 times the number of housing units in urban renewal a:reas completed the previous year . During the same pe:iriod, only 484 units we:re demoli shed in urban renewal areas. So, for the first time in the history of Atlanta' s urban renewal program. more housing units were completed in urban renewal ar,eas than were demolished . We have finally turned the corner in our urban rerlevelopment progr m and al'e headed in a new direction so long sought. DS :fy �