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February 2),. 1968 MEMORAN!lJM To: M or Ivan Allen, Jr. Malcolm D. Jones From: Re 'J1J¥' memorandum to you yesterday pertaining to the propos d eompromis on off site improvements for the Turnkey project on Gilbert Road at Flynn Road. Mr. By-stry, the Whiting..,Turner develo r, haa informed me that ho has turned the matter over to Mr .. S tterfield and will bid by tJ.n:T sol ution orked out by Mr. tt rfield w1 th the City. Mr. tterfi ld reports that he has con eted the HIJD attorney in Banson s office, as sugge tcd by Henry Bowden, d that th attorney ' s opinion is that the Cooperation Agr nt bew the City of Atlanta and the Housing Authority doe apply to Turnkey proj cts in deV1 lopment, as though th& project ctu:u.ly bing dev loped by Housing Authority itself. 1 r. tter.f'iol.d s ( 1) tes that in ess ce the Cooper tion Agre ent provide a C1 ty will provid ne-aessaiy oceas streets and boundary str and (2} The City will bring to the ei thi incl.ud r) . all n cessary facillti s (that Henry Bow n will be info ttorn ,y•o opinion obtain d info I will haTi exand.nat1on. I ces ., • Dan E. caw ot et, Jr • Coop tion Agr nt o dq, bru8J!7 26, tor t J �