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Functions of Secretary to Housing Coordinator· Acts as secretary to Housing Coordinator, Office of the Mayor, City of Atlanta; and the Housing Resources Committee. ship of approximately functions. SS The Housing Resources Committee has a member- members organized into 8 Panels, each with its own specific The members of the Committee are very prominent businessmen and educators in the City of Atlanta. Secretary sends out invitations monthly to the Housing Resources Executive Group meetings; Low-income Housing Coordinating Group meetings and· called meetings of the entire HRC and its various Panels., held in City Hall. Takes and transcribes official minutes of these meetings and makes distribution to all concerned. Arranges for use ,1.• _.,.,. of Conference Room at City Hall and confirms by phone whether or not Committee members plan to attend each meeting. Notifies all concerned of changes in time or place of scheduled meetings. In addition to taking and transcribing official minutes for Housing Resources Committee meetings., takes and transcribes complex reports, such as the HRC Annual Report, Analysis of Low-income Housing Program and Proposed Plan for Lou-income Housing sites; and suggested speeches for the Mayor i.e. speech for Ma;ror in Thomasville Urban Renewal area recently, in connection with financing low-income single family homes by the Insurance industry. Takes dictation and transcribes corresp,Jndence prepared for signature of the " . ~ Mayor., Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee and Housing Coordinator, which requires considerable knowledg3 of business English and spelling and appropriate paragraphing and punctuation. Secretar-J helps compile informati on for the quite involved periodic Inventory Report of Low and Medium Income Housinz in Atlanta. T}pes in final form this complex tabular report consisting of approximately 33 pages. Gets the report reproduced and makes distribut i on. This report is the only means of showing and keeping up with the status and progres s of the Low-income Housing Program. Secretary must uork independantly mal<ing 01m work decisions with minimum super- vision, as supervisor is frequently busy attending meetinGs, having conferences ,·rith developers, and che cking out land sites for low-income housing. This pos i t i on r equi r es general off ice experience and knowledge and a eeneral concept of city organization and responsibi lity for functi ons. Re ceives t el ephone calls and per s onal call er s ; answers their ques tions or directs t hem to the r esponsible part y . Refer s those to the Housing Coordinator which, in her �: .!r... opinion require .his personal attention. ..:. Schedules appointments for Housing Coordinator according to knqwledge and importance of his schedule. Keeps records of his scheduled appointments. Searches and accumulates data from files for specific correspondence, studies or projects undertaken by superior. Maintains active and inactive files. Maintains up to date lists of all members of the Housing Re.s ources Committee, to include correct mailing addresses and telephone numbers • . Maintains current list of developers interested in building low-income housing. Types and keeps up to date list of proposed sites offered for low-income housing ,;.• which includes lo.c ation, amount of land in . each tract and who controls the si£""e. Takes dictation from, and types documents of a technical nature for, the Consultant to the Housing Resources Committee, who devotes one day each week to work j.n the Housing Resources Committee office pertaining to technical details of the Low-income Housing Program. .. - �