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May 15, 1968 Honorable H . Ralph Taylor Assistant Secretary Department of Housing and Urb n Development Washington, D. C . 20410 Deai- Sec:retary Taylor: On March 10, 1967, the City of Atlanta submitted its application for a Compreh naive City Demonstration gt-ant under the Demonstration Citt and Metl"opolitan Dev . lopment Act of 1966. The pplication wa developed by the HUD guidelines for the e purposes entitled "lmpl"oving the Q uality of Urban Life". The total cost of th · Atlanta pr.ogra.m was estimated for planning purposes at $500,690.00 . On Novemb r 15, 196?; HUD announced the s lection of Atlanta along with 65 oth r citi . lnitLl recipients of Mod l N ighborhood PJ'ogr m grants . HoweV"eJ', Atlanta unlik many of th other 65 citl ~eceiv d le than complet dir ct Fed ral funding for thi pi-ogf.' m . Atlanta' progr ma d t i-min d by HUD w e to rec iv $152,000 in direct Mod l Neighborhood Pi_,.ogJl'am grant fund (80/20 moni s) with addition 1 F d ral moni to b ma.de av U bl th.rough the CRP and 701 progr ms totalling $127,000. The l tt r re matched on 1/3 - 2/3 b sis. ln dditlon, monl w -1' - lso made v U bl to Atl ta through the EDA ptogr m totalling 100; 000 but thi a compl tely rm rk d for conomie pl nnln purpo es. On the ud c • thl wa n impre lv outl .y of F det 1 fund d ppeared sa.tisf ctory t th time; ven mol'e o Ith th ov ,rt\U" mad by HUD to th int rn 1 opet' ting pi-oc dui> s to b worked out �Secretary Taylor Page Two May 15, 1968 by HUD among its a.Uied agencies relative to 11 cooperation11 ~ 111.pecl.al processing and handling of matertals pretainlng t.o this progi-am • etc:. We , therefore, accepted this offer of Federal financial assistance in the spirit of innovative planning and financing on the pa.tit of HUD and proceeded to make known our intentions of i' . taining the original size and scope of the local p:rog;ram without alteration. Obviously, such a new Federal pfogram is fraught with difficulties in attempting to make it operati,.onai. Stafitng at'rangement alone at th local level are monumental to say nothing of the work elements to be undertaken. Belng that aa lt may, HUD has since the inception of the program promulgated certain technical memoi-anda which provide fui,t,her detailing of 11 required 11 work element • Meanwhile, o'\U sta!£ has truggled a-long ttempting to work out the necessal'y applkations and obtain the additional Federal monies undel' this circuitous fin eial arrangement. On March 15, 1968; the City submitted its 701 Application for Model N ighborhood P~ogr m planning purposes .. its tatus at present is still 11 under going r vi w " by HUD~ An Am nciatory Applic tion for C:RP grant funds for Mod 1 Neighborhood Program planning purposes t pending subnu . aion to HUD. Combined, ch ha caused the Clty to spend an widu amount of time nd etfo hi attempting to utilbe th. quiqu m thod 611 financing th Model Neighborhood Progr in Atl t . Un~tu.n t ly, ch - pplication ha h d to b ritt n to con!o:rm to th specific tlons of th w viewing gency of HUD th i' by restrtctlng 11d re atratolng rna.Jdm\lD'l b nefit to the Mod 1 Ntd hborhood Program. N lther ot th pplleation pto~ide u . with th total flexlbU!ty and h e Lthal n d d by th City to und rt.ake thos ot 1 m nts of tb Model N ighbo hood P:a:ogr m " qun d by HUD in ti facto , p~o l' and xp d!tio · rnann r. �Secretary Taylor Page Three May 15, 1968 Progr ms prior to xpanding this sort of mal ise . With 1 borioW;l and time consuming p!'oc du:res necessary fot obtaining CRP and 701 gi-ant funds for Model Neighborhood Program planning pui-pose ; with indications that th HUD agencies r not 4:ooperating withe ch other; with no gua~antee that the processi.ng of application ha . been given the highest priority other than the nol"mal procedure ; with the inequitabl local non ... c;.ash matching requirements we have suffered und r; we , thei-efo~e ; · ppeal to HUD to :reeon ider our current (inanc;:ial a~rangements relativ lo the pJ'eparation nd undertaking of the Atlanta Model N igbbothood P:rog.ram. Th City of Atlanta reque ts that HUD tea l'Ve nd approp;'iat · $150., 000 in Model N lghborhood Progr zn g:rant .funds in li · u of the 701 and CRP F der 1 g·r nt funds to be used for planning purpose in th Atlanta M od l N lghboc-hood Program. Thi additional $150, 000 i:n Fed ral gr t funds would bring our b · Model Neighborhood Program. grant up ll'C>m $152; 000 to $302,000. The formid bl ob tacl s we hav t c d to dat and those that r main will b ub• 11 . ntlally reduced by f vor ble ction on tht m tter on the p rt of HUD. We r p cttully r q t that thi ppe l be gi,v; n youJt imm. di te a:n:d ainc r con id -r timi in o der that uffld.ent fund might be mad av U · bl for \l to do .competent job nd to impro-v th po aibilitie _ of achi ving th o l of Model N ighborhood planning ln Atl nu. Sine ,; ly youzs. Ivan Atl n. Jr. M yorlAJr:fy �