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May 13, 1968 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan All en, Jr. From: Dan Sw at Subject: Attached letter from Secretary Taylot • The team from. ABT Associates, Inc . has alr ady made their prelimin · ry contacts in Atl nt and Col. Jones and I have seen that they h v · t"ec lved all the ~ormation they requ sted. The team lead r., Mr. M r:ri.11, st ted upon his departure th t Ire dy seen enough in Atlanta to convinc him th t Atl t should be on of the cities sel cted for th implementation of this progr m. He indic ted he will make th recom.m ndatlon. he had W hav anoth r follow-up group coming inn xt week have everything lin d up :fbs th ir work. DS :fy d w �