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ABT ASSOCIATES, INC. & DANIEL, MANN, JOHNSON and MENDENHALL A JOINT VENTURE 201 ALEWIFE BROOK PARKWAY, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 \ May 16, 1968 Mr. Dan Sweat Office of the Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Sweat: As I indicated to you in ou r telephone conv ersation this afternoon, our team will be in Atlanta on Friday and Saturday of ne x t week (May 24 and 25) to gathe r detailed information on the needs , problems and ideas relevant to low-cost urban public housing in your City. As you alr e ady know, our current project is the production of a study recommending e x periments in hous ing to be conducted, during the ne x t two y e ars, in appro x imately twenty model cities . There are a great many people with whom we would like to speak, of whom the most important are those in the cit y gove rnment. Since it is not nec e ssary that our entir e team talk to each of them, we can probably cov er more ground than during our first v isit; and, in fact, we found the first visit so profitable that our task for the second vi sit is conside rably simplifi ed. W e w ould b e very appreciative i f y ou could arrange for us to m e et w ith t h e p e opl e I have liste d b e low du r ing t h e day on May 24 . I have arranged the m in to g roups so that one of our t e am m e mbers can work with a group which can prov ide him w i t h the inf o r mation n ee d e d to f ulfill h is own require me n ts . 1) Mr. Collie r Gladden M r. W i lliam Wofford 2) M r. Mr. Mr. Mr . Mr . Male olm Jone s M. B . Satterfie ld L e ste r A . P e rc e lls C e cil Alexand e r . J . J . John son You w ill n ote t hat t h e a bove lis ting include s th e p e ople we tal k e d to du ring our fir s t vi sit. W e do wish to tal k to t he m a gain sin ce we have m o re spec ific inf or mati on nee d s on this tr ip. W e woul d, i n additio n , a ppre ciate the opportu n it y t o tal k w it h any me mb ers of the Board of Aldermen w ho are c o n c erne d w i th hou s i ng pr oblems , particul arly, Mr. R odney C ook and M r. Q . N . Williams on. W e w ould be happy t o tal k w i th them at their convenience dur ing the two d ays or, i f necessary, on Monday the 27th. We would, of course, appreciate the opportunity to ta lk with you and the Mayor at some stage if it is convenient to do so . It would probably be better to do that later in the visit rather than earlier. Finally, if you have any suggestions for people in the city government or in t-he community with whom we might profitably establish contact we woul d appreciate your advice . �Mr. Dan Sweat Office of the Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Page 2 If there are any questions or problems which arise, I hope you will feel free to contact me here (Area Code 617 876-4663 - Collect). If I am not available, please feel free to contact Mr. Richard Rosen or Mr. Marc Roberts of our senior staff. And, in any event, after the team leaves here at the first of the week, the office will know how to reach us. We will arrive in Atlanta on the evening of May 23, and will check by your office first thing in the morning of the 24th. I will let you know as soon as I find out where we will be staying in Atlanta. Thank you for your help and cooperation. • AWC:bj r We look forward to our visit to Atlanta. Allan W. Came ron Consultant Atlanta Study Team �