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CITY I-fALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 May 14, 1968 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative As~istant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Execctiv2 Secretary DANE. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman Citizens Neighborhood Action Committee Northwest -P erry Homes Service Center 1927 Hollywood Road, N. W. Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mr. Dobbs: On August 21, 1967, th e Board of Aldermen d efe rred action on a request for r ezoning the Browntow n Roa d site for a Turnkey • Housing Development. The d eferral and continued delay of this project h as been bas ed on the .obj ections of the community to deficiencies in several areas of community services. As a :i;esult of the rezoning application and concei.·n by the community l ead ership of the Northwest area, t;,.,-;.:: City planners were as signe d to your committee to help docurr..~nt problems in your area and recommend solutions. It was m ·y understanding that th e comnlUnity was not objecting to th e construction of the housing per sc , bi.::.t to the lack of ad e qua te s e rvic e s and f a cilities and the overcro\v ding of existing facilities. I The City and the community, throug h your con1mitte e , h ave exercised very encouraging coope ration and · coordination in identifying proble1ns, examining alternatives for th e ir solution, and, in many cases, insti gating a ctions which ha ve r es ulted in immediate solutions. �-Mr. Dobbs Page Two May 14, 1968 The Browntown Arca Report prepared by the Ciiy planners assigned to your co1nmittee was probably the first of its kind prepared in this city and most others. It ~ot only identified the problem areas but recommend e d specific actions to correct or resolve the ,problems. A survey of the status of implementation of the reco1nmendations contained in the Browntown Area Report has recently been made -and it was found that many of the recommended improvements have already been acco1nplished, others h ave be e n initiate d and are now being carried out, while plans are in existe nce for making additional improvements as soon as circumstances and funds permit. A copy of this status report is attached. The Browntown Road site location has b een approved by both HUD and the Housing Authority. It is d es igne d to house 4·50 low and mode rate income_ f amilie s for which d e c ent, safe and sanitary housing i s desperately needed. We cannot indefinitely deny these families a suitable place to live. I think you will agree with m e _tha t considerable progress has b een made . The credit for these improve1nents is due in a l arge m eas ure to the ,he lpful as sista nc e anu cuope r a tion of the r es ponsibl e citi zens of the area, whom you represent. If Atla nta i s to con tinue to progr ess and provid e d e c ent hous ing for all of its_ citi ze ns, we c a nnot afford t o wait ind e fin itely for all d esir a ble impr ovements . M any of these will h a ve to b e d evelope d simultaneous ly · with d evel opment of the hous ing to se rve the ar eas i nv olv e d. The City of Atlan t a is com1nittcc to such a pro gram. I fe e l tha t both the City and the community h a ve a cte d i n good faith in our joint effort for improvement of the Northwest a r ea , I fµrth er fee l that these effort s should continue and I a 1n con fid ent they sha ll. In the meantime , it i s my feeling that the City' s program t o provid e d ecent h ousing for the poor must go f orward . I h ope that you and • �1; I Mr. Dobbs Page Three May 14, 1968 your committee will recognize the progress we have made and will see fit to withdr2.\V your opposition to the Browntown rezoning. I am confident that during the two year construction period of the Turnkey housing, the improvements underway or sche duled will not only prov id e a better community for those residents who live there now, but for the future residents who will move into the community. I will be glad to meet with you and the committee to discuss the sta tus of our program if you desire. Sincerely yours, • Dan Sweat DS:fy cc: Mr. Sam Battle . Mr. Eddie Billip s M'r. Collier Gladin Mrs. Od essa Hill Mr. Pete r Labl'ie / ' Mr. Johnny Robinson . �