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August 16, 1968 Hon . Ivan Allen,. J r-~ Mayor - City of AUant City Hall 68 Jitchell Street, S ., E. Atlanta,, Georgi 30303 R~ : Browntown Rd/"~nke;t' Rous¼e, S i te . Dear Mayor Uen: This is to brie::r:I.y revieu our pa.st eft'orts 8lld future, plans . s regards rezoning for multi- family deve.lopne_ut the 51- a<!re · act known ,s the uBrotmtoun Road' publlc bous o-ite . Bill ood!i d ·a nd myself , as gents for the iting- Turner Contracting Company t rppeared bef'Ore the Alde1 ic Zoning Committee on August 10., 1967 to present our reasono ey felt the subject property should 'be rezoned. Our request 11as denied t that ti!Jlc, ver, o ease w in heard in ovenlher o'f "67 with the C tteo' s decision being def'er.red until July 1., 1968 t Q, teLuu~ what could be, d e by the City in response to the recomtl:Jeild t i ons cont ined in the u ortb -est Are Study". Our is our bility to, cont · ue to ~ l of 2 pa • �Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr . · At that time we -will the City in response mentioned a;rea study ~pan our request for -2- August 16, 19(58 revie 11bat positive action has been taken by t.o the rec ·endations contained in the before-and uill a-.sk that the COl71llittee act ~avorably rezoning. Realizing your personal concel."n in the area of lo and m.edium in.come housing ~or tlanta, 1e sincerely hope that you and your office continue to s-uppoxt our effqrts in this regard and will do aJ.1 with.in your poyer to influence a favorabl e d cis-ion from the zoning C' ittee. Yo-urs very truly, lt@ #. Robert !-7. Cousins R .lb ~c ~ 1 · • D Sue t Col . comb Jones • Cecil. Al.exa.n der ni."the-w Bystry ~lt Douglan • English .Robinnon , Jack Izzard Honorable John M. Flanigan Honorable G. Everett Millican Hono.r bl.e Rihhard D... Freeman Honor ble Rodn y • Cook Shuttie orth • T Mr., Bill ood . ard �