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June 16,. 196 ( Honorable Jack Summers ~ Chairman Public Wo r ks Committee N tunbe r 1 Board of Aldermen C ity of Atlanta. C ity Hall Atlanta, Georgia De r Alde 1"man Swnm.e r s : Th U. S ~ Bureau of Public Roads has re ques te d that the Mayor and Bo rd oi Alde rmen concur in the State H ighway Department of Georgia recommended location of Inte r s tate Route 485 (1· 485 ), Line ' 'B" . You re well aw re of all the rgurnents in support of and in oppo ition to the location of this road along th route recommended well as other routes which were thoroughly invostlg t d nd consid red. I am confid nt the Highw y Department concern d its lf not only with the engineering requisites, but with all th other £ ctors to minimi~e re idential di loc tion d conununity di org i z tion. The C Lty of Atl t cannot afford furth e r dcl y i n seeing thi project started. Be ide the critical need of 1-485 for the relief 0£ northlde Atlanta traffic cong stion, th approv 1 of sev ral oth r major highway projects for th benefit of Atl nta motorist ls contingent upon th con truction of 1-485. The construction of th t portion of F-0S6 from ol I-485 n ar M rian Ro d to th junction of th D v lopm.ent Hi hw y t the Circumfer ntial dir ctly dep nd nt upon th pprov 1 ol I-485. th north rn limits App lachi n Route (1-285) is If approv l i not �Alderman Summers Page Two June 16, 1966 gained on the above numbered project, this section would probably lose Federal Participation a n d revert to the local goverrunental bodies to complete . There would be some question as to whether F-056 south of 1-485 would ever be constructed, particularly the section within the Circumferential Route (I-285 ), if I - 485 is not approved. The improvement of the Northeast Freeway (I-85) which consists of widening to six lanes from the interchange with I-485 near Cheshire Bridge Road to the C i rcumferential Route (I-285) would be long delayed if not stoppt ;- : entirely if I-485 is not approved. The possibility 0£ F-120, the ea terly extension of Lakewood A venue, becoming a traveling reality is dependent upon the approval of l-485 . I, therefore, recommend that the Board of Aldermen adopt the attached resolution concurring in Line 11 B 11 of I,..485 and that we urge the State Highway Department to give top priority to it completion. S i11cerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. M yor IAJr:fy • �