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·- - -- -- ---;cc-,pc•,- ~ ~ - ---- -- - --r-- - . . - - -- ~ / 404/351-4325 \NOC / \A/AR =THOMPSON CO. COMMERCIAL-ll'l ~USTRIAL-ACREAGE SALES SUITE 113 - 1705 COMMERCE DRIVE, N . W. - ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30318 I October 20, 1967 Dr. Darwin w. Womack, Assistant Superintendent for School Plant Planning and Construction 224 .Central Avenue, s. w. Atlanta, Georgia JOJOJ Dear Dr. Womack, Thank you for meeting with Peter Labrie, Tom Bane, Bob Cousins, and myself Tuesday, October 17th. While we have not obtained final approval, we are hopeful that the Housing Authority can cooperate with the School Board in providing recreational space that can be used jointly . Whiting- Turner's Land Planner is revising the site plan, and we expect to have the site plan available for both your and the Housing Authority's approval on October 27th . We are doing our dea d level best to gain the Community's approva l of this plan by November 4th in order tha t the site can formally be re-submitted for re-zoning by the full Aldermatic Board at their November 9th meeting . We will be back to see you just as soon as the revi sed site plan is received . Thank you again f or your cooperation. ~ Sincerely, I . i ~~ '~ ((_.

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Y.'- William H. Woodward WHW/lm Copies: Mr. Matthew D. Bystry Mr. Collier Gladden �