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August 3, 1967 HOUSING RiSOURCES CO}~ITTTEE General Functions 1. To promote low-cost housing and facilitate i ts construction in Atlanta on an accelerated basiso 2o To bring together the various interests needed to produce housing. 3. To insure that the hu.~an factors in housing are given full play. 4. To inform the public of the housing problem in Atlanta. ( The Housing Resources CorrJlrittee office is l ocated in City Hall, _Room 1204. It maintains liaison with builders and developers, acts as a clearing house for i nformation pertaining to low-cost housing, to include listing of available sites and i nterested developers, coordinates ·committee activities and keeps the Mayor informed as to progress of the program.) Functions of Housing Resources Committee Panels Suegested Functions for t he Conur..ittee Panels (Not necessarily limited to the f ollowing). Panels are encouraged to use own initiative. Legal a. b. c. d. To investigate and make available information on laws governing Federal, State and City, related to hous ing. To review existing local laws governing housing and make recommendations for improvements. To make specific re commendations regarding code enforcement. To act as l egal resource to the Committee as a whole. Construction and Design To review present codes and constuction practices in order t o recommend improvements in terms of expediting and making housing more econo~ical o To i nvestigate nevr methods of producing housing with special attention to prefabrication. c. To seek out and encourage contractors and architests interested in low-cost housing design. d .. To recommend methods of making rehabilitation of e:x:i.sting housing ' feasible and profitableo a. �Page 2 . Finance and Non- profi t F\.mds a. To s eek out and make ava~lable pert i nent inf ormation r elat i ve t o financing of housi ngo b .. To encourage money sources t o make funds avail able for f i nan ci ng l ow-cost housing . c . To seek and recommend new ·ways t o f i na.11ce low cost housing., d o To compile i r1formation r egarding nor:-prai'it fun dso e . To compil e information r elative to Federal participat i on in non-profit :funds o f ., To aid in t he establishment of no -profil fun ds for low cos t housing and t o promote and interest spons ors in the progr amo g. To cou_risel wi th thos e contr olling existing and or new funds h. To promote creation of a non-profit Housi ng Development Corporati on in Atlanta o Public Housing a ., To aid t he Housing Authori t y in the completion of i ts Publi c Housing progr am. b . To seek out and report on new methods of f inancing and pr ociucing public housing a cross the country. c. To f ami l iarize themselve s wi th t he Atlanta public housing program and to visi t all existing proje ct s o d. To encourage provision f or adequate s ocial ser vices act i vit ies in · publ ic housingo e. To make recommendations r egarding futur e public housing . Land a. b. c. d. To determine available ~::..~d resources f or l ow- cost housing and make recommendations ther .•• To seek out and catalogue land available f or l ow-cost housing. To keep in touch with realtors concerni ng availabl e land. To recommend neighborhoods for concentrated rehabili tation efforts . Social Problems a. b. c. d. ee fe To provide for temporary hous ing as needed, for people being displa ced either for rehabilitation or resettlemento To coordinate housing wi th agencies involved in the depressed areas, such as the Community Chest, Comrmmi ty Council and EOA. To enlist assistance g-~oups such as churches, garden clubs, and civic clubs in proolems related to housing. To loo~ for gaps in the housing program which are not being met by any existing or projected programso To seek means of providing posit.:. ve assistance to home o,-m ers in Housing Code enforcenent casesj on a city-wide basis, where dire tarGship is involvedo To seek ways of involving residents of depressed areas in selfhelp programs. �Page 3o Bus iness Parti cipation a. b. Co To seek out and interest large local and nati onal corpora·cions ; Y1 demonstration housing projects and or building low-cost housing or r ehabi litating existing housing in t· .Le h.tlal"lta areao To encourage loc2.l business firms to a ctivel y part icipate in and a:ssist the low-cost housing programe To encourage busir1ess participation in education of low-cost housing residents i n assuming occupant responsibilities for maintairQng in good condition the dwellings and premeses in which they reside. Public Inforrr.ation a. b. To disseminate through the public media, as a Public Service, talks written material, and inf ormation relati ng t o the low-cost housing problems i n Atl anta~ Thru articles, editorals, panel dis cussions and spot announcements to emphasize special features and problems of the program, a s det ermined by the Executive Group of the HRC, and to suggest s olutions. �