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I~I lWT:SS Au~st 9, 1967 The Executive Group of the Housin;::; Resources Comr,tltt ee met at 10:00 a.m., August 9; 1967, in Committee tloom ;¥2, City Hall, The following members were present: Mr , Cecil A, Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resonrces CoI11J-nittee Dr. Sanford s. Atwood, Co-Chairman, HousinG tlesources Committee Dr. Benjamin E. Y1ays, Co-Chairman, Housing Resources Committee Mr. Archer Smith, representing Mr. Charles 1. Weltner, Acting Chairman, Legal Pc1I1el Er. Robert i,Jinn, representing Dr. Edwin Harrison, Chairman, Construction and .Design Panel Mr. Norelancl. Smith, Vice-Chairman., Construction and. Design Panel Mr. Lee Burge, Chairman, Finance and Non-Profit Funds Panel Y.tr. ~rJilliam Bohn, representing Mr, Clarence D, Coleman, Acting Chairman, Public Housing Panel Yi.r. Charles li'. Palmer, member, Public Housing Panel Mr. Frank Terrell, representing Mr . Wallace L. Lee, member, Land .A.c::;_ u isition Pa...'1el Mr. Cla;-:rton n.. Yates, member, Land. Acquisition Panel l•J!'. Jim E. Land, member, Land Acquisition PaI1el .Mr. Stewart Wi:~ht, member, Land Acquisition Panel Dean William S. Jackson, Chairman, · Social Probl ems Panel Mr. Lewis Cenker, member, Social Problems Panel ¥Jr. Virgil Milton, Chairman., Business Participation Panel Hr. Jim Wood., Vice-Chairman., Public Information Panel Mr. W. w. Gates, Consultant Nr. Malcolm lJ, Jones, Director Also present at the meeting were: Mr. H:·ll Ware, Attorney, King t,.c Spalding Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Engineer Mr. Lester H. Percells, Associate Executive Director, Housing Authority Mrs. Xernona Clayton., American Friends Service Committee The Chairman recognized the presence of both Co-Chairmen., l>.r. Mays. Dr. Atwood and �-- --- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- ------' 2 Mr. 8-ladin, PJ.a.n,_"ling Engine er, was t hen called up on t,o corn..'llent on the Land. Use Study bein.z proposed by the Plan11in; Yepart!llent and the report previously provided this Committee on Zoned acreages of vacant land. Mr. Gladin instead passed out several copies of a new report which he had prepared to the Housing 1tesources Committ ee pro1)osing c ertain solutions to the critical housins shorta~e and commente d on it briefly. At the conclusion he asked. for the assistance from the dousing :tesources Committee of its one pennanEritstaff member to assist the Plannin~ .Department in developin6 a joint plan, with detailed implementa tion steps, for p resentation at the joint meeting of the Plar.;.'1ing and .Jevelopment Commi ttec and the Housing llesources Committee (now scheduled for Se·Jte:nber 15). C:opies of Mr. Gladin's report are att~.ched. (Encl. 2). M.r. Alexander offered Mr. Jones' services. Y.1r. Alexander then introduc ed Mr. William H.• Hirshson, Exe cutive .Ji.rector, Greater Hartford Housin:-; Development .?und Inc. br. Hirshson was the gue st speaker and presented a very interestin1 ir.lpromptu report on his experiences in the f orm.c,tion <1.n d op eration of Hartford I s ifon-profi t Housing Development Corp. The followin.::; is some of whnt Hr. r:,j_rshson lw.d to say : General Hartford cons ists of 18 square miles , has a po1mlation of 160,000 an d needs 6, 0 00 low-income dwellin[; uni ts, of which S,ooo are now substa.Yida r<l . There are only 90-10{_. acres of vacant land in the city and f ew larg e housing develop!T!ents, but many of 16-32 units. The Great er Ha rtford area consists of 29 sepa1~ate municipalities or communities of which only f our have approved 1-f orkable Programs. The corpor a t ion has developed. a pre - processed reusuable package for a ssistance and gui dance of develop ers. This p::icka r:;e ha s basic designs f or two and. thr ee !)edro .Jm units. ~2,00C to 4~3,000 p er project is usually suff icient to test proposetl project's practibility . The corporation has not GOne deepl y i nto rehabilitation. It ha s thus f ar rehabi l i t ated two units under 221 d (3) and purchased 12 gro~p units , 221 (h) ha s not been popular because cannot fi nd s uitable a r ea.s in which t o work . The Great er Hartford HousinJ Develo~men t Fund, Inc. is s ponsored by the Hart ford Chamber of Commerce . Funds to finan ce t he corporat ion were obtained from 26 of the maj or firms in t he area in the sum of $1 ,500 , 000 ($700,000 in cash and the balance i n comJ11i tments.) Thes e f u ncls were obtained throu,-:;h personal solicitation as l oans from l ife insurance companies , banks and major industries. The corpora tion is nonprofit, organized to lend seed money on a revol vin::; basis and to provide technical skill on a consulting basic to s:ponsors of rental units for low-income families. Efforts however are not limited to nonprofit organiz :-,tions. �3 Specific After the corporation was organized arrangements ,;-rere made to borrow on a maximum line of credit of $700,000, secured. by 10 year notes, with interest up to 6 percent, payable asavailable. Only $350,000 of this amount has been actually dra~m to date. In lieu of interest, surplus is returned to lenders, as funds are accmnulated as authorized by the dlrectors, in lump smn amounts. Uses The HouGing :Jevelopment ii'u,:d., Inc. operates in the capital region incluc.ling Hartford and five of the surroumling suburbs. The revolving fund is used primarily f or: 1. 2. J. 4. S. Seed money loans to other local nonprof it ~roups. Land bankinc --accumulating land for future development for low-cost housing. To be resold at no mark up. i1ehabilitation of larr;e homes for l ar;_;o families. Providing talent ancl technical a s s istance to nonprofit groups. Assisting in stabilization of neighborhoods. Other Activities The non;.Jrofit development corporation also: i. Helps to br ing in private investors. 2. Helps to pl a ce low-income .familie s wi shing to buy new homes. 3. tforks closely with the Urban Renewal Department. 4. Hel ps pre-qualify below market rates ·with ?HA. S. Assist sponsors in request i ng below market allotments for FHA proj ects . 6. Works with the Chamoer of Commerce , City Devel opment Commission and the State Development Commission. 7. Acts as a clearing house for sponsors , builders , and mortgaeees . with problems. fuc:porimental 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cut s time l Hg . Provi des res erve f unds f or sponsors under t he rent suppl ement pro;Jrarn . Provides t he mis sin;~ vehicle . It docs what nobody else i s rloinr.; . It docs not provide all the answers . Of f icers of nonprofit or~ani zat i.on i n Hart f ord Principal Loan Officers of five i nsurance cornpani es . Principal Loan Of f i cer a of t wo bamcs . Two representati ves of minority groups . Chairman of Chamber of Commerce--Ex-of ficio. �4 Income 1. 2. Inter est on loans. Fees chargecl for services (Usually 2% 1st $500,000,l\~ above $500,000 and up to $1,000,000 with de creasinG seals above $1,000,000) Disbursements 1. Pays losses 2. Pays into r eserves. 3. Pays int ere::t on loans directors declare i nt erest payment of X number of dollars periodical l y a s available. 4. Pays administrative expens es of Development Corp. Recommendations 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Small proj ects in scn ttercd areas are pr eferable. JI.void cr e2.t ion of f uture ghettos by encour aging the cons truction of l arge developments. Encourage use of two and three bedroom single family homes for small builders on small sites. Try to J et as many f amilies as possible i n s ingl e f amily homes and town house cooper at ives. Try to keep f arnilier, i n ap _)roximat el y s ame e conomic eroups. Disburse f unds t o other nonprof it organizations only as needed . Stat ements 1. 2. 3, I n Coru1ecticut, the Stat e has ~- loan fund t o suppl y S8ed money t o nonpr of i t sponsors in form of loans and grants . Rehabili t a t ed homos are most sui tci.bl e f or housing l arge f amili cs . Land hel d in l and bank is subj ect to usual t axes . Admi nis trat i :::;n Sta.ff cons ists of two men (¥Jr . Hi rshson , Executive Director, who is the outside cont a ct man; and his assistant uho is the insi de administration man ) and a secrot aF.f .

~(. *

At the conclusion of Mr . Hirshs on 1 s talk , Yir. Alexander then introduced Mr. Tom Lord , As s istant Director Nonpr ofit Housint:; Center,Urban America, Inc. , which organi zation sponsored and underwrot e Mr . Hirs hs on's trip to htlant a . Mr. Lord explained that Ur bnn America is a national, nonprofi t oreanization hendquartered in Was hington, D. C., and i s dedica.t ed to impr oving housing f or l ow-income pe opl e i n the nation 'scities. The Nonprofit Housing Center of Ur ban America provides t echili.cal assistance to nonprofit sponsors of lower i ncome housi ng and. helps communities organize revolving funds and nonprofi t housing development corporat ions. The Center is financed by the Ford Foundat ion, t he Epi scopal, Methodist, United Presbyterinn and Uni t ecJ. Church of Christ church0s . �Urban America doe s not o-9erate on a fee basis and always endeavors to keep local p eople involved. It attem9 ts to adapt to local conditions and as s ist i n brincin~ public and private interests to:-; ether in e. joint action to s e cure i nprovement in housing for low income people. He also announced that Mr. W. 1,J . Gates, Consultant to the Housing -~ esources Comr.tlttee, is Urban America's represent a tive in Atlanta. oth,:?I' Itcmo As time was e; rowing short, Hr. Alexander then asked Mr. Jones to simply p ass out to the memb ors of the Cormnittee ( without comment) a self-explanatorf rep ort dated Au; ust 9, 1967 (Encl. 1) prepared by the Housing tlesource s Committee staff pertainin6 to the II Preliminary Rep ort ( from the Pla:i1ninu; 1.iepartment )--Amount of Vacant Land in the City by Zoning District, 11 da t ed. July 21, 1967. Also attached wns a comparison, prepared by the Housing Resources Committee s t aff, b e tween t he Analy sis by H:W of the Zoninc; Map previously provided tho HRC by the Planning Department ancl the tabulations conta ined in Ap •)enclix to July 21 Memorandum f ram the Pl;mning :Jepar trnent. Time did not pcrmi t detc1.ile d consi der at i on ;me_ c1.iscus s ion in the mG 2t i n:; of this r c 1Jort u hich was designe d to s erve a s a ba sis for conclusions and recomme ndat i ons of the Hous in[:; ~le sourc-.::s Commi t ·c.eo for its prop os e<:!. me ( tine; in the ne ar futur e with the Pla.nn.ing &'1.cl .Jcvelopment Cornmi t t ee of the Boar cl of Aider rnen. Mr. Alexander them announced t ha:i.:, the HousinJ; 1lesourcc s Cammi t tee hac1 b een reques ted by resp ective dev elopers of thr e e r a ther l aq ~e tra ct::; to supp ort them b e for e the Joint Pl anning Board an u. t he Zoninc; Committee of the B02.rJ of Aldermen to ge t t hos e properti e s r e- zoned to A-1. Mr. Alexander called up on YJ.r. Jones t o expl ain e ach site to the Comr,1i t tee . Mr. J on es p ointed out t he loca t i0n s of t h e three sites on the map a nd explained t h e proposed development of each . ( Two wi th pl a t s an d t en tative sit e l ayouts). After Mr. J on es ' pre s en tation of tho thr ee ;,r oposal s , Mr . Al exander c2.ll ed up on Mrs . Xernona Cl ayton, Amer i can Friends Servi ce Committee, fo r comment on any of the p roposal s and whether they woulc'. conolica te t he Ha rk being done in the southwest area by sr,,,/AP. J.V.trs . Clayt on expl a i n ed SWAP ' s purp ose and oper a ti on in the Beacher - Cas cade- hTes t Gordon n oac.I and Fa ir·;,urn Road area south to Sewell Road . She offered no obj ec ti on to any of the propos ed proj ects. Sito No . 1. 51 a cre trac t n or th of Brownvi lle Road b e t ween J ackson Parkway and Bolton Ho11d, now z oned M-1, prop os e d by •·!hitti ng-Turner Cons t ruction Co. for Turnkey devel opment for Publi c Hcusing. This tract has been tent atively c:1pproved by the Housin1; Authority and HUD and favorable c:i.ction a l ready rcc.ommonded by the Planninc; Boo.rd. It is schedul ed to :;o before the Zoning Cammi ttee of the Boo.rd of Aldermen in Public Hearing , Au,;_u ::, t 10 . �6 After du e consi c.leration aad J.iscussion, }1r. Lee Bur~e moved that the Housing ;.".esource s Comrni ttee endorse this proposal and recommend f avorable a ct ion by the Zoning Connnitte e cm d the Board. of Alllerme:;n. The motion wns scconc.ed and carried unan:i.mouslJ . Site No. 2. 59 acre tract ( eastern •;ortion oi D. lar,:;er tract of 171 acres) locateci. between West view Cemetery anc.l Peyton Road S. 1J., north of Utoy Creek, prop osed. f or development of caref ully p lanned 3GO uni ts of to,m houses under 221 d (3) co-ori, by Hr. John A. Hartramp f. (The 1 roperty is curr ently zoned

a.-3) 1'1r . Har tram:-if Has asked the price ran[;e of units he propos ed t o build .

He stated that the si.n::l e f a,1ily houses would. b e in the ~)15, 000 to :\25,000 ranGe and payment s f or t i1e two bedroom toim houses woulc~ be ap··iroxirnatcly $90 to :;;110 per month. After clue cons i 0er c1.tion, mo Gion wer e 1:1ade by Mr. Lee Burge th~t the I-me Comr~ittce endorse thj_s prop osal and re ques t the Plarn~in[( Board thnt it recommend f avora ble a ction on the rezoning petition f or this si tc. The motion was seconJecJ. and carri e,l ,.rl th H O dc.-e-:mtine votes. Site No. 3. 45 acre split tract on both sides of Bankhead Highway N. W. (10 acres on the nor th sicle , just west of ffo.Jnard rtoad, and. 3.5 acres on the south side) prop os ed for Turnkey clcv elopm<ent for Public Housin,;; , with 221 cl. (3) a s an alternate, b y HLC and Associate s Construction Company of Gre ensboro, ~Iorth Carolina. Zoning is now H-1 anJ M-2. After ampl e discus s ion, Mr . Virgil ~ilton moved that the Housing tlesources Commit tee cnclorsc this proposal and r equ es t f o.vorable reconu11endation by the Planning Board on the r m_onin~ petiti on for this c ite . Tho mot ion was s e conded and carried unanimoucly. As there 1-ras insuffi cient time f or ot her l.1u sinesr, the CoITlJili ttoe ad.i ourned at 12:00 noon . Respectfully submitte d , .t h ~ ~ ~ .:· \-....-,:,,. .. . . ·. . -~ Mal colm D. Jones .. .· . ' ..,_ Sup ervi s or o.r Ins poct"ion Services ' Encl u: 1. 2. fl -~ourcL- ::; C0r.1rittG,, h '"'; ,.) ~.:.) Ik ::-.bcr_·, E '. ,:cutiv,, .<Grou~ ?, }UW, ~-:·tod ;·.ur:;u: t 9, 196 7 (with attachments ). 1:ou:.,in:.: Pl::mlinJ .ikrp::- :ct r.i-.s1t r r,port to th ,., EJU.r.:ing· ~k . ourcc.s Cor.ir,1ittee <bte d f.uJ11..:. t · 9, 196 7. �