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F .E I 142 .J EFFE RSON A R C . ITEc -- - A . .. A . STREET SAVANNAH, TELEPHONE G EO R G IA (912 ) 31 401 2 36 - 562 1 February 7, 1968 !'fir . 1lia lc olm D. Jones Hous ing Co - ordinator Room 1204 City Ha ll At la nta, Ge orgia 30303 Dear Mr . Jones: I wish to convey my apolo g ie s to you and Dr . Harrison of Georg ia Tech f or the inability to attend our mee~ing schedul ed f or January in Atlanta . • The f lu -bu g had me out of t he offic e for some time and I a m j us~ now getti ng back to my r egular schedul e. In r e ceni dealings with Mr . McNamara, he has indicated a concern for premature publicity for his building sys tem, prior to securing final pa tent rights. He t her efore haB indicated t ha t he would prefer to delay any f urther con s id eration a t this time . We a sk y our indul gence in having th e o pportu ni ty of me eti ng wi t h you again in the neav fut~Fe, Yours truly, ~~, Architec t �