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MINU'fES Land Panel, Housing ,esources Committee Meeting February 15, 1968 A special meeting of the Land Panel, Housing Resources Committee, was called for 11:00 a.m. this date, in Committee Room 1, Second Floor, City Hall. The foll owing participants attended the meeting: r-:r . Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, HR C ' lderman John M. Flanigen ?-'.r . Robert Veal, r epres ented Mr. Wallace L. Lee Mr . H. W. Gates, HRC, Consultant 1".lI' . L. J. Fuller, Empire Real Ji:state Board, represented F~r . J . A. Alston Mr . Henry Baldwin, Atlanta eal Estate Board, represented Hr . Stewart Wight Mr . Hilliam Litchfield, Adams- Cat es Company Hr. Malcolm D. Jones, Housing Coordinator I~ . Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee, pr esi ded. He opened the meeting by explaining that at some point in the past the Corr~ittee had come to the conclusion that it shoul d not back specific areas on natt ers of rezonin~ , but of course would continue to work in support of the overtll program; that it appeared the Committee could be more effe ctive t his way. Hr. Jones asked Mr . Litchfield to explain the purpose of his pr esentati n . Mr . Litchi'ield explained that in the past HUD had come up agair.s t s ituations where developers have come into Atlanta and put much work and effort on a project only to be turned down at the last minute by zoning requirements . He s aid the Committoe 1 s endorsement that this l and is a good site for a Turnkey . rojcct. is needed so that the paper work can be a ccomplished and the ·actual construe ,.,i on can be s t art ed a s soon as the funds are available; that Turnkey ~un.::ls :,::-.... i ::- --:en until July l, _1968 ( except f or Turnkey 3). · Er . Litchfield stated that he was proposing ·a Turnkey project cons5.st:.nr, of a 16.3 acre tract in Northeast Atlanta off Dekalb Avenue at Hampton Ter race and Southerland Terrace on which to build approximately 200 units . Facil ities needed for Public Housing are available. A densi ty of twelve units per acre is contemplated and feasible beca.use of hieh land cost. He believes this would be the best way to use this land. He stat ed that the City of Atlanta Housing Authori ty has endorsed this site for a Turnkey project and that Mr. Shuttleworth of the Plarming .Department feels that it would receive favorable recommendation from that Department . He further stated that Mr . Flanigen, HUD, and NAACP, were in favor of this proposal . ,, �2 !',r . Alc.xanc.er said that t .is was e;ooci . oca t ion ee oer ar,hi cc:.lly for a Turnkey Publi c Housi n._, proj e ct . He menti oned that the Cati-.olic .'\.rctdio cese had backed away f r om t hi s prop erty be cause of zonin£; problems. He sai d he would be gl a d t o s ee housing construc t ed i n this are a . Mr . Fl an i e;on said ther e is ne o ci. or housinc i n this area . 81.uo Heav,m, approximatel y one mil e f r om t he proposed Turnkey site , is one of the wor.:;t s l um areas in Atlanta . The str el~ts ;;:-e :.1arr ow and t he ditches and trash are a hazard t o children . :Mr . Fl ani:.,en sai r1e doesn I t look f or any se~ious obj ect i on to t he r ezoning , but t her e may be s ome. r,:r. Alexander a sked what kind of homes were in t he area? Hr . Litchf i eld s aid ther e 1vere older homes r angi nt; from $12, 000 t o $15,ouo. Ya- . J ones s tated that if apar tments for l ow and moder ate income f amili es are going to be built , Turnkey is t he best t ype f i nan cing f or a pr ogr am such as thi s. Mr. Flanigen said that we should start looking for small er tracts of land . He said that these small tracts , such as Gilliam 1 s place , s houl d be ut ilized. 'Jr . Jones said t he Gilliam pla ce cGuld be useful . be built ther e although it is now zoned s inele- famil y . Perhaps dupl exes could r. Fuller asked i f this proper ty was bet ween Rogers and -Iarren? Mr . J ones said yes and that it has a partial frontga~e on Boulevard. 11r . Li tchf i eld said that only Turnk ey 3 f unds are avail abl e until July. He said t hat !'fi r . Boggs and Mr. Sat t erfi eld might consider Turnkey 3 in order to e et s tarted. He menti oned that t he City of Knoxvil le, Tennessee, had us ed this method of f inancing f or a cooperative high-rise f or t he elder ly . Mr. Alexander pointed out t ha t housing is needed for couples who are not elderly . ~.r . Litchfield stated that t he Railroad Avenue, Lenox Square site would be an ideal l ocation for housing for couples . Mr. Alexander s aid he s aw no reas on why t he Committee could not write a letter t o HUD endorsing this l and site for a l ow-in come housing Turnkey project, that this pr oposal is definitely in aereerr,ent wit h the pr oeram that the Cor:rrni ttee is worki ng f or. Mr . Litchfield asked if it woul d be pos sible t o ge t t his area on the zoning agenda without waiting i ts turn? . �3 iJ' . Fl arigen said it mi ght be poss i ble; however, February 14 ,-,as closing date f or some ar eas . Mr . J ones said :·,e have a uortin::; agreement ui th Mr . Gladi n; that if we fee l somet hing is justifi ed he will t ry and work i t ino r1i.r . Litchfield said this site i s sho,m on 1983 L and Use Map as apar tment zoning . ·a-. Alexander said he ,-, as deli , teci ~o h::i.ve r epresented and a sked for comments. oth Real ·~s tate Boards Lr . 3aldwin s aid he fel t certair. that this proj e ct would have the suppor t of his Board . ~:r . Fuller expre ssed concern 0vc units deteriorating to ::;ub:::..:::..--:d.:.:--c. conditions so r apidly . He fe els tha~ more enphasis should be placed on keeping up proper t ies. -!r . lexander s aid approxiJ!la tely 10,000 homes have been rehaoili ta tee~ through Housing Code enforcement duri:-ig t he last yea:r . :-:r. Al exander s :a ted that the Social Problems Panel should be more active in J.Ormine civL., g:co..i.;,s to work with churches and schools to get peopl e to ke ep up their property. Ee said that Gar den Clubs and other civi c groups can do a great deal of good . i-'ir . J ones s tat ed that there were 10 ,157 homes r ehabilitated through Housing Code enforcement from November 1966 thru De cember 1967 . Hr . ?uller mentioned the di fficulti es of having cars moved off public streets and the problem of junk cars on proper ti<~s in the City of .4.t-~ani:.a . He asked if there was any law against parki ng an automobile in the middle of the yard on the front lavm? Mr. Jones said there was not. He stated that an inoperative automobile. canno t b e parked on property for more than 60 days . Hr . Baldwin said he 1-1ouJ.d estimate tha t there a.re 250 ju.nl{ automobile~ propert~,r in Atlanta at present time • I •l n .}~r . Alexander said maybe the Automobile Industry could ao ::3 oriethfr,g :i..'~ ~~ut the junk car situation . He mentioned the big Oil Companies concern over ::ies ign of stations. A survey indicated that the gimmicks such as streamers hangin~ all over did not help business at all. }Ir. Baldwin asked if there were any la1-1S regulating pqysical_ conditio~1s of commercial pl a ces? r'ir . Jones said there was no regulat ion in Atlanta. 1'il' . Litchfield said thnt a group or person could ea thc.r up 2QO cr-::rii_t cards and send them in to a large oil company such as Standard a.lor-ig wi tl1 . co:-:inlur.:t a.boµt poor conditions of a station and irm:iediately the station in auestio :.r~ulli_ be fixed up and cleaned up and credit ca:rds returned to 0wners. . · · · I �r-. 4 i·:r. Alexander s a id EOA is s u~,.·, ,.:.~ --d 1., .., oc organizing eroups to work t o keep up and improve neit; hborho ods. -ic mcnti ·.m ed the fa c t that Druid Hills Garden Club had helped the Poole Creek ar8a get landscaped . ~fr . Flanige n told about the Civic Club cleaning up the Martha Street aroa . 1r . l exander t ol d about the 221 (h) pr ogram whereby church gro"J.ps could buy propcrt ..:..es (up to S units) and. r e habilita t e them. Then they could sell them back to original 01mers or someone else. ·ir . Fl;:i.ni:;en asked whether ;'!,r Q \:addo:;: ::;ot his Hesley J\partr:i.ents approved? Mr. Jo .es said 150 .units ( a t er arner.ded. to 119) were approved under l ease agre er ent to be rehabili tac.,. . " Meetine ad journed at 11 : 50 a . m. ·Re spectfully submitted, �