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HA· June 2, 1969 \. Mr. Jac k W . Crissey Fulton Plumbing Company 443 Stone 11 S t reet , S. W. Atl nta , Georgia 30313 Dear Mr~ Crissey : Attached i menwrandum from Mr. C . M . Smith A sistant Building Official , concerning your letter of several day go. l don•t eem to ble to under tand your proble1n,. and would uggest that you try to take it up ith Mr. Wofford. or ith th Building Committee;that is provided for this purpo e. If this cou.r i . not a ti factory. I ill gl d to meet with you nd Mr . Wofford nd try to get a better kno 1 dg o f hat you ar lking bout. Sine l"ely. I n n ·n. Jr. IAJr:am Encloaur cc: r. . R. fiord , �