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J.i. LTY.ROUNDUP '-< U l ,,, .,.• 1.../ I ·/~ , " ,.; -) I ~ ,/o Ae e y Ilv T0:'11 WALKEfl .-\11anln j ou rnnl Hc:1 1 1-:5 1:tlo J,:clilor Fm·nishcd mode.ls of a projc tcd S3 million, 200-unit, SouU1wc.sl J\ll:rnt, cooperative (own hou.,c dc\·clopment " i ll be availabl fo r inspect.ion ns~t nonth , Phil Di::imoncl of Di::imoncl and J,; 1 _·e Building Co. sai d. Tl:~ London Towne Jiou,;es are lth '. l ··d ;1t. Boulde r Park Dri\·c

111d Gordon Hoad . In add ition

lo the rcsidenli::i l units, the de\·clopmcnt wi ll include a pri\·atc club house. '.The tO\m houses )Vill r ange in price from $59" per month fo r one-bedroom units to $105 per month for four bedrooms. A cooperative development is 01rned by the residents , with each member having a vole in the corporation which owns the property. TIIE l\lOi\'THLY purch ase price includes principle, interest, insurance, maintenance and taxes . Total down payment on ~ondon ~owne Ho~se unit is ,·J.1.J , i\fr. Diamond said. In the cooperatfre, a board of rurectors made up of residents will establish the sta ndards and requirements fo r living in the community. Diamond and Kaye are metropolitan Atlanta's bigges t developers of cooperative apartments . They have constructed some 700 uniLs. The London Towne Houses are being built wilh an FHA-insured loan. Ci tizens & Southern Xational Bank is providing the _construction financing. A display and information office is located at the London Tmrne Houses site at 3242 Cushman Circle SW. It is open daily from noon until 8 p.m. Mr. Diamond said the cooperative apartments which his fi rm has developed have been "enormously successful." They are not only full, " he said, "but there is a long waiting list for each cooperative. We think cooperatives provide a fair and hon,,.:;t approach to housing and an enjoyable way of life." Blonder Elected Gerald A. Blonder has been elec ted president of the Security '4 i) .' • r• r, ! 7 '.' fl 0 Dr\· lopmr nt and Invcstnwnt Co. , ,1n At.l a11ta-bascd cons truction comp;rn y. Other o[ iccrs are David Berkma n, ex ecutive l' · vice pres ide nt; Robe rt Towler, vice prc:- id cnt, and Bruce R. · Davis , secretary. Security Development owns and bu i l cl s apartm ents in mrl rupol it.an All anla , and currcnll y Jias under construction 5~0 apa rtm ent units. An add itiona l 500 uni ls are schedu le<l for construction with in another two months. A subsidiary, Security Management · Co., is the managing agent for the apar tments built by Security Development. Building Purchased Southeastern Films, one of Atl anta's oldest film production companies, has bought the 22 Seventh Street Building, where · iliefirm~llproduc e doc~ mcntary m o vie s, television comm~rci als, slides, film strips, rccordmgs and other materials. The pur chase was handl ed. by Ga I en Kilburn Jr. of the Adams-Cates Co. of Atlanta . . , I �