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1REALTY.ROUNDUP e r-1 ~ O'tJ A"':. • ~- e Del'clopmcnt and Investment Co., an AUanla-b:iscd construction comp:iny. Olhcr oficcrs , are D:ivid Bcrknwn, c.xeculive vice pres ident ; Robert Towler, vice pre~iden t, and Bruce R. · DJvis, secretary. Secui-it.y Development owns mid bu i 1 d s apartments in metropolil:m Atlanta, and currently h:is under construction 550 .1p:1rt.ment units. An mld ilion:il 500 uni t-; are scheduled for conslructi0n within another two 'months. A subsidi ary, Security Management Co., is the managing agent for the apartments built by Security De'vclopmcnl. l.lnilding Purchased Southeastern Films, one of Allanta's oldest film production companies, has bought the 22 Seventh Street Bu ilding, where · the fi r m will p r o d u c e documentary mo vies, television r.ommercials, slides, filmstrips, recordings and other materials. The purchase was handled. by Ga 1en Kilburn Jr. of the Adams-Cates Co. of Atlanta. Hv TO:\I WALKER .\tb nl.1 .i ou rnn l Jir:il F'{t :1( 0 Fdilflr Fu:·11:., !:cd mcxlcls of a pro- >~:,,J. ~ million , '.:00-unit, Sou!11- I \H'.,t Allan 3 coopcr:iLi\·e (own '10.1- .:! d.:-1·clop111rnt wi ll be :ll'ail.1,,'::- fl' · inspc2Lion n~~t JJlOnlh . I' ··: l)i:uncmd of Di:imond and K 1:- c Bu1.di11g Co. s:iid. Th,• Lo:1do11 Towne llo11scs arr I 1 .1,,' :it B0t1ldcr~ark Drive

 ? 1i Grnlon Hoad. In addition

to the residential units, the den .'!epmr : t will include a priYa k club house. · The 10·, 11 houses ,,iJl r ange in ;iricc from $59 per month f,,r one-bedroom units to $105 rwr month for four bedrooms. A cooperative development is 0-.111rd by the residents, with <'Jl'h member ha1·ing a vote in ,>rporaLion which owns the I ptilC'1·0;il'rty. ! i\10 ;TllLY purchase includes principle, inter, r.~t, insurance, maintenance and 1 t:ixes. Total down pay111ent on 1 :i,..London Towne Jlouse un it is I ~J:Vi . .i\rr. Diamond said. Jn the coopera tive, a board of directors made up of resi1dents will establish the standards and requirements for living · in the community. . Di:imond and Kaye are met1ropol1 i.an Atlanta's biggest deI 1·cloj1ers of cooperative apart1 mr nts . They ham constnicted TIii:: I rrice I IS0 lll~ 700 units. The London Towne Houses are being built with an F1IA-ins11red loan. CiUzens & Southern

'\alional flank is providing the

construction financing. A d~~pl::Jy and information of-· fice is locntcd at the London To11 ne Houses site a t 3242 Cu. hman Circle SW. It is open da ily from noon until 8 p.rn. i\lr. Diamond sa id the coop- , era!ive apartments which his finn has developed have been "enormously successful." They are not only full," he said, "but there is a long wailing list for each cooperative. We think co1 operatives provide a fair and ho:1•.sl approach to housing and 1 an enjoyable way of life." 1 Hlondrr Elected Gerald i\. Blonder has been I::cc. I.(·~ presid: nt-~the Security 1 I �