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HOUSING R SOURCE ITTEE C 1204, CIT BALL June 25, 196 TOt r. Cecil A. Al nd r.,, Ch ir Hou in R ources Co ittee R C ntly .l d· n tb t acr county itb r nt "c1t1 . , within t of h th· 1 to to provtd · 11 c · taciltt1 b �------- ---- EMORANDUM June 25, 1968 P ge 2 of d elling units , but by and large they should be ge red g ner lly to lo and moderate income f 111 s. hiob ould h ve siilarities in back round, education nd nviron nt, in ord r to for a cohesive residenti 1 co unJ.ty. r . Budg ns dv1sed t the is bl , ready and willing to under~ake such project in one of the neighboring (parhap Dougl s) Counties, provided it is det r ined th t th City (ad inistration) isbes to move in tbi dir ction and ill 1 nd ctive support to such n effort . Anotb r d v lopEr, endel Ro n , Jr., h s t I ed ubst nti lly the sa xpr s d by r . Hudgens. on sever 1 occassions voicing id as nd conclusi.o ns to b V d not in th., tr nd nd 11 r 1th e gener 1 h eon b 1nv1t to t let d roup four yor, to furt r ~plor Malcolm D. Jon Bou in coo~di toz �