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CHAIRMAN P. L. VICE CHAIRMAN BARDIN 1440 BANK OF. GEORGIA BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 1124-2828 SECRETARY-TREASURER W. OTIS M. JACKSON 30303 3121 MAPLE DRIVE, N.E . KENNETH STRINGER 1393 PEACHTREE STREET, N .E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 303011 ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30309 237-4729 ' 873-31178 MINUTES LOCAL EDUCATION COMM;tSSION MEETING April 19, 1967 The Local Education Commi~sion met in the Board Room of the Felton County Administration 3uilding at 9:00 a.m. on April 19, 1967 with the following in attendance: Members

Mrs. Ethel 3rooks

Mr. J. H. Cawthon Mrs. Joseph Ford Mr. Otis Jackson Mr. Alan Kiepper Dr. John W. Letson Mr. A. B. Padgett Mrs. Alan Ritter Mr. Kenneth Stringer Mr. William M. Teem, III Dr. Pav.l. D. West Consultants and Staff Mr. James Groton Mrs. Martha Gaines Dr. Curtis Henson Mr. A. C. La.timer Dr. Truman Pierce Mr. Otis Jackson served as Chairman and introduced the new members of the Conmission. Recognition was given to the passing of Mr. P. L. Bardin in December. It was announced that a wreath was sent in the name of the Commission. Members of the Commission reimbursed Mr. Kenneth Stringer for the wreath. The Con:mission took recognition of the death of Mr. Fred J. Turner · who was an invaluable member of the Commission and who had devoted many years of his life in service to the Atlanta Conmrunity. It was agreed that a resolution of sympathy be sent from the Conunission to Mrs. Turner. Mr. Latimer gave a brief report of the work of the lawyers and the problei'llS encountered. He proposed that the COlllllission hire a lawyer and a secretary to spend full-time on the research required for the report, and that office space be rented in the First National Bank Building. The work of the lawyer would be supervised by Mr. Latimer and Mr. Groton who would be responsible for the final draft for the report. The estimllted cost will be a~proximately $1,300 a month. �Mr. Cawthon made a motion that the Commission approve the plan as outlined and that Hr. Latimer and Mr. Groton proceed as expeditiously as possible in employing the staff members and completing the work outlined. The motion, seconded by Mr. A. B. Padgett, was unanimously approved. Dr. West read a resolution from the Grand Jury appointing Mr. Otis Jackson to the Fulton County 3oard of Education. Congratulations were extended to Mr. Jackson. The Commission unanimously elected Mr. Otis Jackson to continue to serve as Vice-Chairman and Mr. l(enneth Stringer as Secretary-Treasurer of the Comnission during 1967. The office of Chairman will be filled at the next meeting. Dr. Letson was requested to propose a replacement for Hr. Turner. An expression of gratitude was expressed to Mr. Alan Kiepper for his capable and dedicated services which he has rendered to the County, the School System, and to the Commission. His leaving Atlanta will be a great loss to the total contnunity. The Commission wished for him Godspeed. }fr. Xiepper ~"'Pressed appreciation for the kind remarks and asked that his name be kept on the mailing list of the Conmission. Dr. Pierce made a brief progress report. He stated that this Commission, tmlike previous Comraissions, had made the decision that the two school systems should be joined as soon as possible. The Conmission had taken the position that this decision and the plan developed would fulfill its obligation. However, the delegation felt that a more complete plan should be presented and instructed the Commission to develop a more comprehensive plan of combining the two systems. Consequently Dr. R. L. Johns was employed to develop the unit on finances and business management and Dr. Willard Elsbree and Dr. John Phay to develop the section on personnel. 30th reports are scheduled to be completed by June 1st. A copy of these two reports will be sent to the members of the Corranission prior to the next meeting which will be held at 12:30 p.m. Monday June 19, 1967. Mrs. Martha Gaines was instructed to make the appropriate news releases and to feel free to contact members of the COOBnission for advice and consultation. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Attachments Approved Sy: necor ding Secretary Chairman - 2 - �