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MINUTES LOCAL EDUCATION CO:MMISSION August 23, 1965 The Local Education Corranission met Monday, August 23, 1965, at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the Fulton County Administration Building with the following members present: Mr. P. L. Bardin Mr. J. H. Cawthon Dr. Rufus Clement Mr. Otis Jackson Mr . Alan Kiepper Mr. Earl Landers Dr. James L. Miller, Jr. Mr. Leonard Robinson Mr. Walley Stewart Dr. Paul West Mr. James White, Jr. Mr . Otis Jackson, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to take action upon the report mailed to the members since the meeting on May 27. Dr. Pierce said that the revised report included suggestions presented during the last Commission meeting. He then asked for reactions to the report, suggestions which would strengthen the overall report and editorial conunents. Mr. Robinson stated that he wanted to go on record as opposing combining the two systems. This position is based upon his experience as a member of the Fulton County Board of Education and the National School Boards Association. He stated that many advantages of merger could be realized through expanding the coope~ative efforts of the two systems through the Metropolitan School Development Council, but that each system could maintain its identity. Mr. Bardin conunented that the Commission had studied the evidence and had arrived at the conclusion that merger would be best for the two systems involved. It is possible that there are many individual points which may not be enhanced, but the overall picture for both systems wo\]ld be improved if they were combined. Dr. Jerry Miller stated that it was his understanding that the study, Financing Education in the Fulton County School District 11 , pointed out that the Fulton County School System could operate only for a few more years at the present level of quality and effectiveness without additional revenue. Efforts must be started now to combine the two systems or Fulton County may suffer many years before the two systems could be joined. 11 �- 2 - Mr. James White called attention to the fact that the Commission must take a position and moved that the report, which recormnends that the two systems be combined, be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Walley Stewart. After discussing many points pertaining to the pros and cons of combining the two systems, the Commission passed the motion by a vote of six to one. Those voting for the motio~ were Mr. P. L. Bardin, Dr. Rufus Clement, Mr. Otis Jackson, Mr. Walley Stewart, Dr. Jerry Miller, and Mr. James White; opposed, Mr. J. H. Cawthon; Ex Officio Members not voting were Mr. Alan Kiepper, Mr. Earl Landers, Dr. J. W. Letson, Mr. Leonard Robinson, and Dr. Paul West. The question was again asked if the Fulton County School System could afford to wait until it was faced with a serious financial crisis before starting action to merge the two systems. If this occurs the situatio~ may be beyond the control of local leadership. It was pointed out that the Commission recognizes problems faced by the two school systems and has made the recormnendation which seems to be best for both. Whether or not the systems are merged will depend upon the local leaders and the voters. Mr. White stated that the Commission could go no further with specific recormnendations pertaining to new finances and other related problems without extensive legal advice. This would require additional funds. The wishes of the Legislature will dictate if this is accomplished. It was agreed that Dr. Pierce would edit the report in terms of the suggestions presented during the meeting; that a copy of the revised report be sent to all members of the Atl~nta and Fulton County Boards of Education and to the members of the Local Education Commission; and that a meeting of the Boards of Education and the Commission be held at 2: 00 P.M. on Monday, September 20, 1965. Minutes of the May 27 meeting were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M. ECH:cw August 31 , 1965 Recording Secretary Approved by:.. . .,___________ a. _ �