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Hifl.'lJTES LOCAL EDUCATION CONMIS.SION M-4.Y 27, 1965 The Local Education Commission met Thursday, May 27, 1965 at 2:30 Pi M. in the Board Room of the Fulton County Administration Building with the following members present: Mr. P. L. Bn.rdin Mr. Leonard Robinson

V.r. Otis J-'."1~!~son

Mr. Wallace H. Stewart Mr. Alan Kiepp'::r Mr. Keru1eth Stringer Dr. John Letson Hr. William Teem, III Dr. Paul West Dr. Jaines Miller, Jr. YII's. Alan Ritter }fi.nutes of the February 26th meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bardin stated that during the meeting on February 26th, the Commission asked Dr. Pierce to develop skeleton plan for combining the two school systems and to present it at the next Connnission meeting. · a Dr. Pierce said he had prepared a rough draft which he thought could serve as the bases for the final report of the Conunission and as a resource document for speeches, discussion groups, news releases and related purposes. He invited Commission members to ask questions or. make comments as he reviewed the draft. After many points which might be included, omitted or changed in the report had been discussed, 11r . Bardin called attention to the purpose of the meeting. He stated that the Commission was to · receive the report and take appropriate action so that it could be reviewed with Atlanta and Fulton County Boards of Education and t he repr esentatives from Fulton and DeKalb Counties. Dr. Jerry Hiller, Jr. then made the motion that the Commission express its confidence in the work Dr. Pierce has done t hus f ar; that Dr. Pierce take i nto account the many points discussed during the meeting and rewrite the draft and that a copy be sent t o the member s of the Commission before t he next meeting and if approved by t he Commissi on, the r eport will t hen be discuss ed with the Atlant a and Fulton County Boards of Education and t he representatives from Ful ton and DeKalb Counties. The motion was s econded by Mr . Walley Stewar t and pas sed unanimously. The meeting was ad j ourned at 4:30 P. M. ECH:cw June 7, 1965 Recording Secretary Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Chairman �